Marine Cpl charged with Desertion


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You know, I been in traveling status for the lsat month...finally getting setteled in now. Anywho, I just read that the Marine Cpl that was supposedely abducted from a Marine Camp in Iraq and held by insurgents has been found guilty for desertion and a few other charges. GOOD. He deserves everything he gets. I know he is a fellow Marine but he abondened his fellow Marines over there ON HIS OWN. I knew something sounded pretty weird when he said that they came aboard the camp and kidnapped him. I been over there. Nobody is getting on a camp that shouldn't be on the camp none the less abducting a Marine and leaving the camp alive. Just thought that I would share that. Remember also the Arab Soldier that killed/injured those fellow soldiers in Kuwait in 2003. Makes and American really think about...........I'll stop there mad.gif

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Re: Marine Cpl charged with Desertion


Had wondered what ever happened with that story.

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So did I. I get the Marine Times in the mail every week but due to moving and everything, I havn't read any of them for a while. My in-laws came up this weekend and brought all my mail with and the story was in one of the issues from last month.

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