What gets you excited the most?


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Re: What gets you excited the most?

Like Nut said.......... "all of the above". grin.gif

But I just love to see one double and triple gobbling as he comes. Not just hear. SEE. I love to "pour it on" to a bird that's in gun range (if he'll stand for it) just to watch him lose his mind. grin.gif

Oh...........I'm gettin' goose bumps just thinking about it. crazy.gif

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Re: What gets you excited the most?

I'd have to go with C, cuz if I can hear him spitting, he's close. Drumming, I've hear from quite a ways and that too tears me up cuz I can't tell the direction. My heart just nearly falls clear down to my gut and beats like a tommie drum. But they all make my heart race and if I'm lucky one day that'll be the cause for my ole ticker to fail and I can drift off to heaven hearing those sweet sounds of spring I so dearly love. Hopefully, though, I can take one with me laugh.gif

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Guest 1 strut

Re: What gets you excited the most?

i love to hear the gobble..call..see him strut and gobble..i don't need to pull the trigger..just watching him come rrom 60 yds to 35..i love it

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Re: What gets you excited the most?

D. to have him answer my call is just too fricking exciting.....

i never thought that first morning gobble could be beat, but when i called my 2nd ever bird taken in, he gobbled from fricking far away , it was s faint, and then it kept getting closer and closer, then it's there right there....oh , i am so ready to hear a gobble........ cool.gif

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