OTPG Wear order deadline...........


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........is tomorrow (Friday the 27th)!! :eek:

Any member in good standing who wishes to be in on the initial order needs to PM me quantities AND sizes for hats and shirts ASAP. ;)

Pricing will be on a "cost only" basis. I'm hoping for shirts in the $10 range and hats to be a tad less.

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That's it for orders for the first round of OTPG Wear, folks. ;):( Thanks to everyone who is participating!!

Quite frankly, the in-pouring of response to this surprised me a bit. :eek: I will PM payment details to all concerned as soon as I get final numbers from the screenprinter.

Not only will we be the most envied internet shooting society for the guns we shoot.............now we will be the sharpest dressed crowd, as well. :D

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oh man - i just got my internet up and running at my new house - sorry I missed out on that first order. I'm finally getting my feet back under me from the divorce, so I should be able to stop in more often

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Hey Strut...this may have already come up but what's the chance of us getting our own OTPG forum?

Depends on how loud the whining and gnashing of teeth becomes. :rolleyes:

My guess is somewhere between "slim" and "none". If we had our own room, the rest of the shooting world would be somewhat sheilded from the wealth of great knowledge we OTPG'ers can bestow. I really feel that it's important we remain in the general shooting forums so the unenlightened may benefit from our expertise. ;)

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