The big D strikes again.....


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Found out a week ago that my wife and I are going our seperate ways. After being together 10 years its over.

This is strike 3 for me.

Third divorce, or should I say my last...

Its taken the hunt right out of me too.

Especially since I am due to loose the 100 acres I have called "my spot" for the past 10 years. All the work I did is gone.

I am able to hunt it this fall but honestly I dont have it in me to go up there anymore. It was a piece of property we were buying from her fathers farm.

Not sure where I will go now.

I plan to move on though, buy a piece of land with my 1/2 of the profits from selling our house/land, and then build a small log cabin. Something I have always wanted to do anyways.

Most likely I will not be able to buy a big enough piece to really hunt but it will be mine...

Wish me luck because the tough times are just begining...

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