A few harvest from the last few years


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Here are a few pictures of some kills over the last few years

My biggest buck to date. Killed him when i was 12. He was chasing a doe, but crossed paths with my .270. Scored 123


My uncle and i with a double. First and only birds i have successfully called in and harvested. He shot first, and i killed mine seconds later.


My dads biggest buck to date. Killed him 3 years ago. Not sure why he has his head down. ha.


My brothers bow buck. Was his first bow hunt. Has bow hunted only a few times since. :(

He was 9 at the time


8 point i killed youth weekend three seasons ago.


8 point from 2 seasons ago. He was only 1 1/2 years old. Made me sick, something about his rack decieved me.


7 point from 2 seasons ago. would've been a 16 inch 8 if he hadnt been broken off


The 10 point that i wounded with bow last year.


Just thought i would post these since i've figured out how to post pics.


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