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  • 2 weeks later...

I use round bales on our course,but if your limited on space, get some old carpet padding and some metal fence posts..........cut the padding so it is big enough to cover a 6x6 foot area behind the target, stretch it tight and attach it to the fence posts.(just not too tight or you might shoot through it,also make sure it is heavy rubberized pad)

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it wasnt me missing it was my 2 buddys 1 who just started shootin bow and one who never shot 3d befor but has hunted for about 3 years ok might have to try that yeah were my 3 d corse i almsot on a hill sode no roundbale is gonna stay there i got soem straw bales off a farmer for a buck a bale witch is cheap so i migth use some of them thanks for the help

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  • 2 weeks later...

This might be a cheap way but I had my long pin sighted in at 28 yds and used a Block Target to give it a pretty good site-in. When I wanted to shoot out of my ladder stand in the backyard at my 3D deer target I wanted a little extra protection to make sure the arrows didn't hit my foundation. I just set up my Block and my Yellow Jacket BH target strategically placed behind them just in case of a miss. It would have worked but I didn't miss so I didn't need them. Just a suggestion. Just saw on The Best of Season 4 (Realtree) at a country music celebrity 3D shoot they used big sheets of plywood as backstops. Wouldn't do much for the arrow but it might be better than the alternative.

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