Spintite Broadheads.


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i was curious if anyone out there is using any of the spintite broadheads. I was looking at switching to the crimson talon this year. or maybe going outside of my own box and trying a mechanical and trying the crimson cuda. i was curious if anyone has shot any of these heads and how they have performed. i would appreciate any feedback. thanks.

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I shoot the Crimson Talons and like them a lot.The first ones had some blade issues,but they put thicker blades on that seems to have fixed the problem.Mine have held up pretty good,and I've never had a deer go more than 40-50 yards after being hit with them.They fly just like my field points and leave pretty good blood trails.

On the down side,you can't really shoot them at a target.They are almost impossible to get out.Also you can't really sharpen the blades,but you can buy replacements.

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