Our "Fine" Liberal Congress in Action


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In March, the House adopted a provision that would shield from civil liability any citizens who report in good faith any possible terrorist activities they might see. This was prompted by the multi-million dollar civil suit brought by the “flying Imams” against the passengers who reported their activities to authorities. Strangely, this provision was blocked by Senate Democrats last week. :confused::confused::confused:

Meanwhile, legislation to shield reporters from being forced by prosecutors to reveal their sources was approved yesterday by the House Judiciary Committee.

So, if you’re waiting at the airport and happen to see a small group of Middle Eastern men acting extremely nervous, sweating profusely, repeatedly reaching into their pockets while rocking back and forth fervently praying to Allah in a foreign language, you’d better just keep your mouth shut. Unless of course you happen to be a reporter. :mad::mad::mad:

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The democrats caved in and let the legislation pass....HOWEVER....the legislation still includes a provision in it that says you are shielded if there was a 'reasonable' cause for it and that it wasn't islamofobia.

The law won't prevent the filing of the suit nor will it shield you from the legal fees.


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