big buck score?


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He will go 150 + very easily and will probably push 160+ when done. Just to get an I idea (and you do not have to answer if the care not to) of how big the deer actually is: what state are you located (Texas and Wyoming deer are much smaller in body size and the racks may be deceptive as compared to Iowa or Illinois deer).

the dog

Good luck to all

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he is pretty regular, as long as i'm in the stand at 3:00am i can get a crack at him

i'm located in central ky, most mature deer around here field dress somewhere along the line 170-190

but its not uncommon to have 200+

he has plenty of buddies......





there are about 4 nine pointers here and its hard to identify unless they are in the same pictures

the one with the kicker on the g2 is very popular and his pictures are about 6:30-7:00am eastern time

makes me excited

sept. 1st!!!!!!!!

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