Gave my DOGHOUSE Blind a Make-over


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Well, I just couldn't see putting that dark thing out again this year, without a face-lift, so since I already had a bunch of camo paint from last year, I set to work last night and today, giving the blind a face-lift.

I may have to lighten it up a tab more, but it's better than what it was. IMHO

What do you think guys and gals ?

Here's the old Doghouse.


Here's a picture of the kind of stuff, I'm ussually set up near.

Can you see the doe


Here's the new LOOK



I did the shoot-through window too, and the ol black flap


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That looks great. Did you use some sort of stincle (sp?) or is that freehand?

I started by going out and cutting a good handful of that tall grass. I laid some out on two pieces of Bristol-board, and sprayed it with black, to get a negative image. I cut out the image/images of grass, with a razor cutter to make a stencil.

#1 - I set the blind up, and sprayed the sides with the grass colors (tans, and green). Don't have to be fancy, just haphazardly sprayed it (with the lighter tans near the top, and more green near the bottom).

Let dry.

#2 - Laid the blind down, so I could work on one side at a time. Laid grass over it, and arranged the tops along the top, then sprayed black, brown and dark green through the grass.

That leaves you with the negative, with the grass colors in behind, becoming the grass.

I had to do it in sections, and hold the grass down with short 2x4's, so it would lay flat, and not move around.

let dry, and do all 4 sides.

#3 - Then I used the stencil, to add more defined grass, over what I had already done, using the tans, and green paint.

It could still be lighter. I might redo it next year, if I can find some better flat camo colors to work with..

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