Getting ready


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Hi friends! Only 2 weeks of camp left, then 1 week off before I start nursing school August 27! I paid off my semester bill without taking out loans...will be a little tight on money till I know I have enough for next semester. Just finished ordering needed supplies, spend $85 on: Stethoscope, penlight, bandage scissors, hemostat, scrub top and scrub pant. Still have to order my text books and a PDA (Palm Tungsten TX). Yes...all this required:eek:

Anyone have one of those palm pilots? What can you do them? I know we have to have it and buy certain nursing software for it.

I have had the most amazing summer at camp and plan to be back next summer. I've worked with campers from all types of backgrounds and it has been a great experience educational and spiritually. I could have done with out the back problems I've had but it's been awesome.

Anyway I'm home tonight, got to go back for week 7 tomorrow, but I hope everyone is doing well and gearing up for hunting season! I can't wait to get back out into the autumn woods and spend some alone time with God and his creation;)

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Stethoscope, penlight, bandage scissors, hemostat, scrub top and scrub pant. Still have to order my text books and a PDA (Palm Tungsten TX). Yes...all this required:eek:

Anyone have one of those palm pilots? What can you do them? I know we have to have it and buy certain nursing software for it.

My wife never had to have a palm pilot Ruth, she does not have one now either. Dont think they would have even allowed something like that at the school she went to, they had some pretty strict rules, but that may make it a bit easier for you if you are allowed to use it for a resource.

Best of luck with the program.

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I can't wait to get back out into the autumn woods and spend some alone time with God and his creation;)

Amen to that!

Your camp experience sounds like it's been a great one. Like Steve said, "summer of eternal memories". Never underestimate what an impression you made on those campers during their time with you. It's moments like those that sometimes make more of a difference than we know. ;)

No palm pilots are used in the OR where I work, so I'm no help on that one.

Enjoy the final weeks of camp and your break before classes start, and best of luck to you!

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