Been really slow but I got pics of a couple decent bucks

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I haven't been getting hardly any pictures between my 3 cameras the last couple of weeks. I did get a couple of decent bucks though. I had been seeing lots of deer to but went looking tuesday and didn't see of anything. I guess the with the hot dry weather they are moving really late or hanging close to water holes.

I had been seeing this buck with a bigger deer. I have 2 pics of this guy but I can't get a picture of the bigger deer (I have one where you can see what i assume is the bigger deers butt and that's it).


I had been seeing these next 2 bucks from the road but it was right at dark and they were always about 1/2 mile off. To far to judge very well. It is out in the middle of nowhere where cornfields make an L with a bean field next to it. So I drove a fence post in the ground and put my camera on it and put some salt out. Unfortunately the bigger buck didn't come close enough to see his rack good.






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