Trail Drag


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Re: Trail Drag

I have used them in the past. Just be careful with which scent you are using and when, don't touch it with your bare skin, and freshen it often. I used it when I got about 50 yards from my stand. Carry a little ziplock bag to store it in or hang it in a tree limb. Good luck.

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Re: Trail Drag

Yep, this time of the year I use the trail drag rag most of the time on the way into my stand.

The closer to the rut it gets, the further away from the stand I will start my drag. It's about 250 yrds into my favourite stand, from the gate, so I start at the gate and drag it all the way in. If it's dry, I only refresh the rag once about 75 to 100 yrds from the stand, but if it's really wet, I like to refresh the rag every 75 yrds or so.

Another thing I do, is spray buck urine on the soles of my boots, while having doe-in-estrus on the rag. That way it smells like a doe and a buck walking the same trail and if a buck happens across it, he may feel an ergency to catch up before the other buck takes his girl.

Deer Phsyco 101 ...LOL

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Re: Trail Drag

yes--i will either use a rag washed with my hunting clothes then put it in a zip lock back---soak it in doe urine and drag to the stand----I also use a tarsal gland that I cut off a buck that I shot----soak it with doe urine and drag that---can't say that I have had a lot of success with it--but still do it.


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Re: Trail Drag

I have used drag lines in the past and have had bucks follow them right into my shooting lanes.

I do not use drags or scents all that often......only when teh time of year is right, like right now. In areas that are heavily hunted with people using the stuff the entire time I have seen deer just avoid it altogether and actually run the other way. To much of a good thing I suppose.

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Re: Trail Drag

I posted this over in the hunting equipment section as well.


... I'm going to try boot scent pads with a fox urine scent this year (however I like the idea of using doe estrus instead). Anyone have thoughts/comments on this?

I will be using a drag as I'm heading to my tree stand which I will hang in one location near my stand. My buddy will be hanging a Tink's scent bomb on the trail where deer normal pass between our stands. I haven't decided on what scent/lure we will be using in each but I have Tink's #69 Doe-in-Rut, Wildlife Research Trail's End #307, and Code Blue Estrous Doe Urine. Anyone have suggestions?

[/ QUOTE ]

Anyone have an comments/thoughts/recommendations about:

1. using fox or doe urine on boot scent pads

2. which scent/lure to use on my drag and in the scent bombs

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Re: Trail Drag

I just dragged a trail yesterday and this morning. The wild dogs that i wrote about followed it all the way to my blind. They didn't see me because I'm halfway up a ridge about 15-20 feet above them. I thought I was going to have to pop another one, though. I'm still waiting for that buck to pick it up, though.

For clarification, there must have been 4 total dogs cause now there are 3. grin.gif

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Re: Trail Drag

I have tried this in past years and found it only gets soaked with water, puddles, dew, etc.

By the time I get to my stand the "rag" is nasty with everything but scent. I mean I realize there is still scent in there too but not very strong. However this also points to leaving scent on the drag behind......

The thing that has impressed me the most is using a interdigital scent on your boots and/or a drag. Using doe urine, in my opinion, is to much pee in a straight line, sort-to-speak.

Think about it. The doe do not pee continuously for a 100 yards. No they spot here and there.

However, all deer will leave a scent from there interdigital glands, located on/inbetween there hooves, as a walking trail marker for others to follow or find.

With this in mind I have personally seen deer follow my boot tracks, in the snow, right up to my stand!

I do drip a few drops of Tink 69 on the way to simulate a doe pee-ing every few hundred feet or less. Works for me in wet (dew, frost, snow) or dry weather too!

Try to use scents like nature does and they will work a lot better for you, Other then that its nothing more then a curiousity for them which doesn't work all the time. Especially on the wide ole bucks.


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Re: Trail Drag


That is a very good point. My mistake.

I have a ton of doe on my property so my case scenerio may not apply to most of you guys/gals.

I have never seen a doe urinate on their hooves, only in localized spots on their merry ways. My way of scent usage works for me is all I was saying and went further by trying to use scent as the deer in my area do or that I seen have done.

I was not trying to imply that my way is the only correct way.

I haven't found any method of deer hunting tactics that work 100% for everyone.

It's just the name of the game.


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Re: Trail Drag

That trail that I dragged the other day had a little something special on it when I came back over the weekend. I dragged alot near my shooting lane and there was a nice new scrape right in the middle of it on Monday morning.

By the way, that 10 point buck that I shot - came in 10 min after I dragged the whole area and hung the rag up in an evergreen. The stuff works!!!

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