When Going Into The Woods...


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Never spray any scent on any carbon clothing, it defeats the purpose. The carbon actually absorbs scent, so anything that smell will be absorbed into the fabric. If anything I would spray like a white lightning or something of that nature. Don't put the scent lock on untill you are to your hunting destination. Keep them in a scent free bag untill you get there and put them on outside you car.

If you want a "cover scent" get the wafers or drag rag or whatever and put it in your general area, but not too close. If you're in a tree hang it under you. I on the ground, maybe a foot or so away or over your head, or in the window of your blind.

Hope that helped.


What part of Arkansas are you from?

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Not supposed to spray carbon suits or clothing. They adsorb the odors or scents, and will have to be reactivated quicker if you spray them.

Take other scent free precautions before going to the woods, keep your scentlok clothing in a large ziplock bag or storage tote and put them on when you get where you will be hunting.

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Not supposed to spray carbon suits or clothing. They adsorb the odors or scents, and will have to be reactivated quicker if you spray them.

Take other scent free precautions before going to the woods, keep your scentlok clothing in a large ziplock bag or storage tote and put them on when you get where you will be hunting.

i agree with that, i keep all my hunting clothes in plastic totes

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Scent control suits only control the scent coming from your body and will do nothing to prevent other smells from getting on the outside of the fabric. Storing the suit in a scent free bag or container until you reach your hunting destination should be a given. Also after you put the suit on, you MUST spray the outter portion of the garmet with some sort of scent eliminating spray if you want to ensure there on no foreign odors on the garmet. After all, what sense does it make to spend the extra money on a carbon suit to control your body's odor and then forget about any smells that may have been picked up on the outside of the garmet from a variety of possible sources. Since the carbon layer is the inner layer of the garmet, it should not absorb and "clog" abnormally fast from the use of a scent away type product on the outside.

Plus if you have to reactivate the suit a couple extra times a season is it really that big of a deal. Most people probably don't reactivate it enough as it is.

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I would agree with Bownarow. I do spray the outside of my scent lock suit everytime i go out. Just in case i did pick up anything. You can pick up the abnormal scent from anything around your truck or that you may have on your hands while putting on your suit ( gas fumes, breakfast ). Better safe than sorry is what i like to think. I do keep my suit in a scent free enviroment and in alot of cases during early season i won't even put in on until i get to my treestand. Like Bownarow said, what big deal is it to reactivate it a few times a year.

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first i wash my clothes in a scent away soap and then i store it in a garbage bag (spray the inside first with HS scent away) and then when i wana use them i take it out and wash them again and then right outa the dryer spray them down with HS scent away and then put them on, and when u get to your stand spray your outer layer with scent away because any kind of un natural scent u may have brushed up agaist on the way there will be on you.

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