G5 Broadheads

Guest IllinoisMackDaddyHunter

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Guest IllinoisMackDaddyHunter

Have any of you Muzzy fans tried the new G5 broadheads. Do they fly as good as a Muzzy? And how are they on penetration compaired to the Muzzys?

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Guest the_kid

i also shoot the 100 grain montechs and they are simply amazing the one piece ans cut on impact point realy top them off they shoot great and penetraite even better

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  RatherBowHunt said:
they fly absolutely amazing...however yes the have good penetration...but they are incredibly hard to sharpen...and they are not very sharp right out of the package...the new montec strikers however fly the same and are unbelieveably sharp....i'd go with them

That was certainly the case with the original Montecs but the new sharpening process has really improved.

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I can't get any Muzzy to spin good with the easton hidden inserts. I have hunted with Muzzy in the past, but not this year. I have a brand new dozen arrows that Thunderheads and Steelforce spin good on 10 of the 12, doesn't matter what head with what shaft, all 10 spin good.

I mixed and matched 9 different Muzzys with the 10 good arrows and can't even get one good one. Now I like Muzzys and they spin good on my aluminum arrows, just not the new carbons that I have.

I don't know why, doesn't really matter I guess. One thing I know is that the ferrule on the Muzzys does measure .004 smaller than the other two brands that I have. With the HIT inserts they don't seem to aling properly.

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  Strut10 said:
If you're considering the Montecs.........just buy them and use them. You will not find a better flying fixed-blade head anywhere. ;)

I'll 2nd that. ;)

Some 3 or 4 years ago vtbowhunter posted this pick of a comparison of penetration and durability between a G5 and a 4 blade muzzy. I couldn't help but save it just in case something like this came up again. As you can see the G5 won out, hands down. Hope vtbowhunter doesn't mind me posting this.


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