I burned McD's


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Here is a letter I sent to McDonalds Today. Im not sure what response it will get me but Ill be waiting....

I am a proud Citizen of the United States of America. I have the privilege of working with people from both genders, countries, and various ethnic backgrounds. Many of which fought to become citizens of this fine country I admire the hard work, will, and the drive it took for them to become proud members of the United States of America. Its is the greatest country in the world and their desire, sweat, and tears to make their lives a part of that is a testament to our Country as a whole.

However, on a recent trip to a McDonalds franchise in Jenks Oklahoma my mouth was filled with distaste that will keep me out of any McDonald’s franchise. I am seeing the employment of Non English Speaking personnel at McDonalds in the Tulsa, Jenks, and Broken Arrow areas (among others). On several occasions simple conversation such as, “May I have some Ketchup?’ has returned a blank stare to me. Every Government document I’ve read about LEGAL Immigration has required that the immigrant learn to speak and write in English, AMERICA’S Language, not the second. Every single document pointed to that same fact which only leads me to believe those immigrants are not here by legal means.

It has irritated me to no avail on every account. This previous event was the preverbal straw that broke the camels back. I asked a simple question of one of the Jenk’s Employees to which she replied in Spanish. She then turned to another worker who muttered in broken English, “Can I Help You?” I once again asked the same question which once again returned a blank stare from both women. I walked out of that store without so much as a drink and will not visit a McDonald’s franchise. This isn’t one simple account but is something I’ve encountered on several trips.

I know many good people who worked hard and gave much to gain citizenship to the Red, White, and Blue. To hire Illegal Aliens (be it French, Mexican, Canadian, Middle Eastern, etc) is simply a slap to their face. My family migrated to this country from Germany. They paid their dues and I’m very thankful to be born here. I work to support my family every day with the knowledge of what illegal immigration is doing to my tax dollars. I whole heartedly understand other countries desires to move to the US for a better life. However there is a legal and proper way to do this. For the McDonalds as a Corporation or Franchise to hire Illegal Immigrants is plain wrong and in my opinion, very Un-American.

There are thousands of other restaurants out there that respect the blood that bought and continues to fight for this country. There are plenty of other restaurants out there who understand the drain Illegal Immigration is putting on the tax payers not to mention the hike in crime. And as long as McDonald’s hires illegal immigrants of any nationality, I will happily drive around your stores to eat at those that don’t offer a slap to the face to those that have earned their Citizenship instead of merely stealing it. I am filled with elation that the state of Oklahoma has passed legislation to enforce existing immigration laws. Be it exploiting cheap labor or simply trying to pacify those that pressure for a perfect PC world, the hiring of Illegal workers is simply that… ILLEGAL and should be treated as such.

Jeramie Coffelt

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Hmmm, Mc Donalds hiring illegals? Might be a consideration to take this somewhere besides the MC Donalds higher ups Jeramie. Wonder if the feds caught wind, if they may face some serious penalties.

Think your letter is great btw. For other reasons we dont do Mc Donalds, seems like that is a great reason for anyone not to.

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They are hiring them in pretty much every store around Tulsa and surrounding communities. It irritates me to no end because they will have a majority of illegals and one interpreter running the registers.

There is a store 1-mile from me and almost every time you head down there the entire kitchen is pretty much to capacity with illegals.

Im very happy Oklahoma passed that legislation. Companies and corporations need hung for hiring the cheaper labor without fear of recourse. All they do is keep their eye on that all mighty dollar.

There are hot pockets around Tulsa where you can pick up cheep labor every morning. It doesn't matter what type of work or anything. You simply driveup, agree on a price, and pick up as many illegals as you need for the day. Its time Oklahoma did something about this problem. That is a very dangerous risk to anyone taking that chance.

Not to mention the signs all over downtown Tulsa that are in SPANISH! Not only are we helping them to live here but we are helping them to drive ILLEGALLY!

And as far as Im concerened.... "I need a number one to go." should be a statement anyone that lives here should understand. Now these anti's are putting up billboards all over Tulsa that show some little distraught Mexican Girl with tears in her eyes. The billboards read, "My mommy isn't a criminal. She's a hardworking Hispanic woman." Ahhhhhhh! That fumes me SO BAD.

wheew......... I feel a little better.

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Think if I was you Jeramie, I would be contacting my local elected representatives and discussing this with them.

My question is how can McD's even get away with that?

Dont think any employer is supposed to get away with this type of thing. Unless all the illegals have false identities which could be given the rampant problem with identity theft, there is no excuse for this taking place, and the employer should be dealt with.

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good letter, but it will mostly fall on deaf ears. the real problem is that they simply cannot find help here in america. our welfare problem will stay just that... a welfare problem. these bums simply refuse to work. they make too much money for free to actually work. so, employers all over are getting temporary workers from all over south america. my bet is that the mcdonalds workers have a legal document to come work here for up to 6 months. but, they still cannot speak english, and it is frustrating. so, i go to subway...lol

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Guest Clay008

Now these anti's are putting up billboards all over Tulsa that show some little distraught Mexican Girl with tears in her eyes. The billboards read, "My mommy isn't a criminal. She's a hardworking Hispanic woman." Ahhhhhhh! That fumes me SO BAD.

wheew......... I feel a little better.

They always seem to forget the part about her being here illegally.

Side Note: I eat at Chik-Fil-A! They have the friendliest employees who will do anything to help you enjoy your meal there. I have never had a bad experience at a Chik-Fil-A.

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Very well articulated letter.

Problem is:

We have employers willing to hire them because they can get cheap labor.

We have politicians who can't/won't take a stand on the immigration issue because they are catering to the hispanic vote. Yet, most hispanics are against illegal immigration.

We have federal agencies who last week announced a major crackdown on employers who hire illegal aliens yet allow communities to elect to call themselves safe harbors for illegals and tie the hands of their police to enforce immigration laws.

We have law enforcement agencies who capitulate to these orders from community leaders who adopt laws that are in direct conflict and violation of a higher law (a higher law which is allowed to be broken by the federal agencies who "talk the talk" but "won't walk the walk" which creates a vicious circle because the federal agency won't enforce a law against a local entity because the federal legislators won't over-ride the local legislators because of the political impact such enforcement might cause).

We have taxpayers who are expected to pick up the tab for those immigrants who are violation of our laws by paying for their education, health care, and everything else.

Good luck with your letter. Hope it garners a response.

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Correct me if I am wrong. Didn't your state just pass a law about hiring illegals? I thought Hutch made a post about it? :confused:

Yep, the first state to do so.

It basically gives us rights to use existing laws without persecution by various organizations. Its pretty much law now but technically has a few steps to finish being passed.

Within a few months hiring an illegal will be a big NO NO. I believe its a $40k fine for each one you've hired. But it will still be a few months before they can take action against illegals.

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Yep, the first state to do so.

It basically gives us rights to use existing laws without persecution by various organizations. Its pretty much law now but technically has a few steps to finish being passed.

Within a few months hiring an illegal will be a big NO NO. I believe its a $40k fine for each one you've hired. But it will still be a few months before they can take action against illegals.

Unfortunately I see the potential with that for some boneheaded attorney to find some sort of loophole:mad:. For some reason, thought there was an existing federal law that made it illegal to knowingly hire illegal immigrants:(, maybe I am thinking about a proposed law, but sure thought it was illegal for employers to hire illegals.

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No William, you're correct. It is ILLEGAL to hire them. It doesn't stop them from doing so.

Thats where Oklahoma really isn't breaking ground. We are simply passing a law that allows us to uphold existing laws... Ok, now scratch your head and say "What." Thats what we are all thinking. However, because of the PC aspect of things no one is upholding the Existing laws. This new law simply states we are going to prosecute like it or not.....

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Yeah Jeramie, I really think it all falls back on the enforcing of existing laws, and unfortunately that is just not happening. Those who are negligent in that regard need to be held more accountable. Maybe that is where Oklahoma as a state if they could enact a law to enforce existing laws could lead the way for the country to doing the same, sure hope that is part of their plans.

Still I see some boneheaded liberal minded attorney or group interfering with doing what is right.

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Very good letter, well articulated, and well thought out. I hope you get some type of response from which ever office you mailed it to. Sometimes I think that the good common people of this country need to revolt a little bit and maybe we could get some things taken care of. I assure you, there are more people in this country who feel the same way you do opposed to those who would shelter illegals. I think we are know as the "Silent majority."

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Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't the e mail they sent you signed by Juan? I bet that was all you got from them too. Major corporation and I am willing to say you didnt even get a happymeal out of this.

welcome to AM ED E KA land of the free and home of everyone who was living somewhere else three years ago. This really burns my.... well you know

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