Youth Rifles

Guest JT3

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I have been looking for a youth .243 rifle for my son to start deer hunting with and was hoping to get a little feedback on a couple of choices or if there are some other guns out there that I should be looking at. At this point in time I have narrowed my choices down to either a New England Handi rifle or a Rossi both in .243 calibers. Does anyone own one of these that could provide some feedback? The Rossi is a little bit lighter. My son is 7 yrs old and the oldest so this will be a gun that gets passed around the family for some time.

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Welcome to the forums! This will be moved to the Rifle Room later, just FYI.

Here is my input. NEF or H&R (same Rifle) are great, dependable, well built single shot rifles. Recoil from a .243 will be minimal. I personally do not like the Rossi. IMHO they aren't built nearly as well. H&R has been around for years and make quality guns for the price. I would not hesitate to purchase one.

Also, you can send in the receiver and have a Rifle fitted for a smaller center fire barrel if you wanted. As long as there isn't an increase in pressure they will match any center fire for center fire or rimfire for rimfire. Regardless, for around $180-$225 for the stock Rifle you've got one great dependable buy.

One thing ive noticed about the Handi rifle is they retain value fairly well. Ive seen them a few years old sale for as much as a new rifle in the same model (at gun shows). I think as a general consensus, you'll find that everyone gives the handi rifle two thumbs up.

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Welcome to the forums. Have little first hand experience with the nef handi rifles, but have heard good things about them, and some seem to suggest that the single shot for a beginner is a good choice. A bolt gun can always be loaded one round at a time too though and for hunting purposes where with kids a quick follow up shot might just be necessary, the bolt gun is also a good choice in my opinion. Got my oldest daughter a .243 in a browning a bolt microhunter for Christmas when she was 9, wanted something kind of special for her. Don't regret spending the extra money on her for her first deer rifle one bit, she is very proud of her rifle.

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I've got three NEF rifles; 243, 7mm-08 and 25-06. They are all tack drivers and have been very reliable. I also have a Rossi in 22lr. The rossi just isn't as good as the NEF. Their customer service doesn't come close to NEF's. The gun does shoot well, but it just feels cheaper in the hands and it will be the only rossi I'll ever own.

An NEF and a good scope will be as accurate as any gun you can buy.

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I was looking on the web and saw they have a 20" barrel .243 that only weighs like 5-6lbs. for $225. For a youth gun that will be passed around the family it doesn't sound like I will go wrong with a Handi. I agree with your comment that the Rossi just feels a little cheaper. One upside for the rossi would be that you get a 20ga. barrel with it.

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You can mix and match barrels with NEF too. They have combos. It will cost a little more than a Rossi but they are much better built.

What I would do, personally.... Buy the NEF Rifle and then buy a NEF 20ga. You wont have to switch out barrels. You can buy used single shots very, very cheap. Ive seen them as low as $65 in good shape. A pristine shotgun will sale for $100. Ive seen them at several different ranges... All affordable. You'll have two different firearms, no need to remove barrels, no need to worry about bumping the scope, etc.

You'll have just a fuzz more in the two but again, we are talking two different guns. Then if you wanted later on you could buy a .204 barrel for the Rifle and if you wanted to spend the money you could even buy a .410 for the shotgun! A lot more options and much better quality for just a fraction more upfront.

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