ATV discs??

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Just wondering what everyone is using behind their ATV to work their fields up.I've definately been doing things the hard way and am looking at getting a disc next spring.My father in law has a spreader and sprayer so this should be all I need.I've been looking at the flip discs in perticular.The Summit Plot Mule flip disc looks good for around $550,but I want to here some real world experiences.I thought about getting a cheapy agri-fab for under $200,but they look pretty wimpy,and I want something that's going to last.

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I have one of the cheaper discs for the ATVs. It does a good enough job for those hard to get to areas, but we've got big stuff to do most of the plots. The only problem I've had with the small ATV disc was getting enough weight on it. Most of the time it just bounces and jumps from side to side. It is not made where c.c. blocks could be stacked on it, so I've been trying to figure out what to do.

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With any of the lightweight atv discs adding weight can be an issue. If you have to have one, would strongly suggest finding one that will support the added weight. Not sure if king kutter makes an atv disc or not, thinking they do or maybe did. The agrifab lightweight stuff might not hold up too well.

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Yep,I did see thew King Kutter on the Tractor Supply website for about the same money,and it looked pretty decent.It looks like the Kutter and Plot Mule Flip Disc are pretty comparable in function and price.Both are over 300lbs. and have notched discs so that sounds like plenty of weight to dig.I'll probably only be planting 1 or 2 acres in the fall and spring,so it won't get a ton of use.

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Whow! Onieda Man, unless the scale is out of context, that looks like a heck of a lot of equipment. Looks like something for a 100+ hp tractor. Also looks like it makes sweet food plots. Do you have the manufacturer name or web site for it?

Mudrunner- Sometimes you can pick up sections of old drags that are heading for scrap or sitting in the back forty rusting away. One section is perfect for behind a wheeler. It won't do your ground breaking, but will do most if not all of your medium and fine tillage for average sized food plots. Good luck!

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Get a King Kutter, i own one. Its perfect for an atv and works the ground great. Its adjustable and is small enough to get to those hard to reach places, not to mention you can put it in the back of the truck . I welded a couple pieces on to add a bag of sand for added weight. I tried the agri-fab and it was useless. The King Kutter is indestructible and very low maintenance.

There is no flipping with this , it cranks the wheels up and down for transportation and disc depth. Well worth the money.

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Also,how many times do you have to go over the ground with it before it's ready?

Think that is going to depend on your soil conditions. I use a 8 foot john deere wheel disc here behind my 4wd kubota. That thing is pretty heavy, but as dry as it is here now, I know it will likely make for a dust bowl, and take several passes to get the ground to start to crumble, the ground is brick hard and will not break easy. There is a happy medium to wet/dry soil and working conditions, either extreme can make for it to be difficult. Would sure like to have some rain on the ground here before I start trying to work it.

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