Could you survive?

Guest Andrea

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Guest Andrea


How many of you gals think you could survive a month without stuff like electricity, make-up, a car, etc.

You seen that show on PBS called The 1800 House? ( I think that's the name of it)

The whole family lives like people did back in the 1800's. And I mean they REALLY live like it. Even the way they dress. Even aspects like personal hygiene is the same. ( yuck!) honest. Could you???

Me? I'd probably try it but then get tired of wearin that danged old long dress and not bein able to wear deodorant and cave. LMBO. Not to mention.......having to take orders from a MAN!!!!!! :eek::D:D:D

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Well I'm fairly new here so I guess there must be some unwritten rule about guys posting in the "Girls Room" But anyway....I've seen the show you are referring to and I would do it. I can't say that it would be easy or comfortable. As a matter of fact it would probably suck, but it would make you appreciate all the things that we take for granted every minute of every day.

It would probably be good for kids too to kinda help them see how tough life really can be and how it used to be. It might help them better establish more of a work ethic too.

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Guest Andrea

Welcome to RT DAVY. No unwritten rule..........I just like to give the guys a hard time.:D

Yeah, that kind of life would surely be difficult. Especially when I'm spoiled on air conditioning and shampoo and deodorant and tv and radio. LOL:rolleyes::D

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yes i could live without the modern stuff.we almost did all of the same a couple years back.3 months in a camper made living fun. i cooked over a fire.we took showers from a gravity fed bag.heated the water by sunlight or the fire.

after our boys get out of high school the hubby and i are going back to that:cool:

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I bet I could do it but would probably get tired of it after a while. I agree with Andrea in reguards to deodorant, shampoo, etc...That would be the worst part. It would sure make you appreciate what luxuries we have nowadays. And as for Andrea, I don't think she could go for more than 4 hours without her computer. She would go into withdrawals. lol

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I think every one of us could do whatever we needed to do in any situation, provided there be a good enough reason to do it. . . .

If I have a headache, I'll so something about it, like have a drink with caffeine or take Tylenol. Why suffer simply for the "experience" of suffering? Did that already with childbirth. :rolleyes:

Could I survice? Absolutely.

Would I put myself and my family through it just "because"? No, thank you!

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Oh, yes i could, when I was growing up my mom and dad didn't have alot of money and we stayed at the river from about april to oct every year we camped, fished, hunted it was awsome, we take for granted every thing we have now days, I wish I could go back just for one year and do it all over again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That would be really easy for me and my family.We all know how important it is to save money,time resources,etc.You can do that by giving up a few luxuries.I've really have to kinda snicker at the folks that think its a "roll in the dirt without getting clean" type of life.If you only imagine how many gallons of water was toted from wells,creeks,springs and collected in rain barrels.I know how to make soap and yes I can make it smell like flowers.You ever heard the saying " don't toss the baby with the bath water"?Thats cause the baby got the last bath and by then it was getting kinda dingy.LOL.It is really simple if you don't have to drive to work and you don't depend on someone else to feed you.That means you at home working hard and taking care of your own.It works as good today as it did 200 hunderd years ago.

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  womanwhohunts said:
That would be really easy for me and my family.We all know how important it is to save money,time resources,etc.You can do that by giving up a few luxuries.I've really have to kinda snicker at the folks that think its a "roll in the dirt without getting clean" type of life.If you only imagine how many gallons of water was toted from wells,creeks,springs and collected in rain barrels.I know how to make soap and yes I can make it smell like flowers.You ever heard the saying " don't toss the baby with the bath water"?Thats cause the baby got the last bath and by then it was getting kinda dingy.LOL.It is really simple if you don't have to drive to work and you don't depend on someone else to feed you.That means you at home working hard and taking care of your own.It works as good today as it did 200 hunderd years ago.

Good to see you posting Lisa. WB:cool:

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