Deer and water idea.....

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I have a idea. I cant remember if I read this or what but here is the deal.

Our hunting ground is very close to a lake. My mom and dads house is only about 500 yards from it.

So in years past we always assumed the deer went there to get water. Its a good size lake so there is no real way to determine this. I am now questioning if the do as much as we once thought. I find it hard to see them going out into the wide open for water. I would think they would prefer some cover.

We have a few ponds around but they are close to the road and used by cattle.

There is a few creeks but they are usually dry. Unless it has recently rained.

So my thoughts is to take one of those plastic little kid swimming pools and use it to make a small water spot in a the woods somewhere. I thought I would dig a small some dirt out so the pool would be down in the ground somewhat.

My idea is that the deer or whatever can visit this spot in safety of the woods vs out in the wide open like the lake and our ponds.

Anyone ever done or heard of such a thing?:confused::)

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I've never heard of using swimming pools, but dont they use tubs and stuff out West for the antelope?

I've actually thought of something like this before, but never done it. My place has too many ditches and small water holes and ponds for this to work anyway.

But if yours doesnt, go for it. What could it hurt? Of course you'll have have to figure out a way to fill it up, because rain has been scarce lately.

Let us know how it goes.

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Hey todd, the latest field and stream had a little piece on this idea. I think it would work good. They recommend using a landscaping tub though. I think the little plastic swimming pools wouldn't work very good because they are to thin. We have all seen what they look like when you leave them out for the summer. They usually get very brittle. Needs to be thicker plastic. The water should last a lot longer than a shallow pond because the ground won't absorb any of the water.

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The mosquitos are going to love you. :D

Actually I have a garden pond at my house and have some chemical stuff you put in the water to kill mosquitos and larvas and what not from taking over the water. But it is not harmful to animals. So I put some of that in there too.;):)

Setup a camera over it Todd.

Oh I did. Hope it works.:o:D

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I have a reservoir behind my home and I too, thought the deer drink from it. 2 summers ago we had a nasty drought and I thought to put some water out back in the woods behind the house. So I have a old brick layers mortar tub that I used, it is on a stand that brings it to about 2' high. The deer drink from it like mad. But I see mostly the young deer and does drink from it. Never the mature bucks. They sniff it but never drink. I wonder if the scent the hose leaves spooks the bucks?

One thing fill that water often or else it will become a mosquito paradise and a haven for other types of organisms that thrive in stagnant water.

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Actually I have a garden pond at my house and have some chemical stuff you put in the water to kill mosquitos and larvas and what not from taking over the water. But it is not harmful to animals. So I put some of that in there too.;):)

Ahhh, think you're talking about BT. Bacillus thurigensis? (sp?)

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