Weekend plans????


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I'm going to lime and fertilize for my fall plot tonight after work.Tommorow I'm headed to St. Charles MO for the Bass Pro fall sale to pick up a new trail cam,some shotgun slugs,and maybe a 3-d target.Sunday I'm hanging cabinets in our laundry room and doind some landscaping in the front yard if it's not too hot.

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My wife's family has a reunion at the local conservation club. Thinking about bringing out the bow to teach some lessons. OH and try to stay cool.

Can't believe you didn't mention any stargazing activities. Perseids are supposed to be outstanding this weekend due to a new moon phase.

Mars drawing near Taurus too.

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Going up to my uncles' camp in Elk county to help put a new roof on. We're doing metal this time. Ivy green in color. Sunday I'm hanging out with the g/f and checking my deer cam, going to church as usual, and probably shooting the .17 HMR I'm going to pick up at Grice's gun shop in Clearfield, PA tomorrow AM. Thanks for asking Muff.

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Can't believe you didn't mention any stargazing activities. Perseids are supposed to be outstanding this weekend due to a new moon phase.

Mars drawing near Taurus too.

If I can drag my lazy arse out of bed Early Monday morning I am going to. With my cold and allergies hitting me hard, I haven't slept very good the past few nights. Plus it's suppose to be in the 70's overnight. I will probably be out there though. It's one spectacular sight to see a good meteor shower.

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