Duck blind


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Well here are some pics of the blind we made today. Still have a few things to do but Diversdown and I are going to finish it this week and paint it before it goes out to the lake next weekend. Started on it just before noon today and quit around 7:15 this evening. I for some reason got nominated to cut everything. HHHMMMM maybe it is the carpenter thing I don't know. It was quite funny watching plumbers frame things up though while they consumed this stuff called Miller Lite. They claimed it is a beer but I don't know about that. Overall everything went well. Here are a few pics.






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It is going on the water. We will sink a total of 9 post in the bottom of the lake and put 2x8 stringers all around the posts and then set the blind on top of the stringers. Going to do that next weekend. Should be interesting. We just have the blind temped together in the pics. Going to disassemble it this week after painting it and then put it together piece by piece on the water next week.

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