This Will Get You Going!


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Thanks for the video, it sure got me going, as a matter of fact we are going to Rush Run this Sat. to try and Lotto there, we never been there before, we usually go to Spring Valley to Lotto. My Boys got a new shotgun and he's 12 now so we can't wait, its by far my favorite hunting. I got one of those new tent blind chairs for Doving that should give me some shade in those hot sunflower fields. Hey Tominator where do you go come Sept.1 ?

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Hey Tominator where do you go come Sept.1 ?

My buddy's got 15 acres of field. We plant about 5 acres of sunflower. He has a powerline that runs right through the middle of the sunflower patch. We sit at the base of the telephone poles and pass shoot them as they come into the mowed sunflower.


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Cant wait this upcoming saturday is the kickoff to the 2007-2008 season!!

going goose hunting in the morning and then finishing the day with an afternoon dove hunt, should be a great start to the season, we have had 200 geese feeding in our sod fields for about a week now and hundreds of doves using the property, with more building everyday

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Didn't draw.....

Didn't draw at Rush Run the video above mention....they had a record 252 people there and drew 104. Oh well hopefully me an my boy will find another spot, looks like Paint Creek or Spring Valley Sat.Kinda of a bummer I have a 12 yr. old with a new gun who just to took hunter safety course and score a perfect 100 and feel some pressure to get him a quality hunt. We went last year and he had a good time with his old .410 (cruel I know) but now has a youth 20 ga. Oh the pressure is

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Bozz dont know what part of the state your in but if you do some looking around dillion has alot of fields set up for dove hunting. The last year in ohio we shot our limits everyday for the first week. shoot me a pm if you would like nd i can give you some detailed directions

Thanks,I sent ya a PM.

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What would you dove hunters recommend as a spot for doves. Edge of cornfields, or a tree line that extends 150 yards off of a wood, with harvested winterwheat on each side? Thanks

I hunt near all of them, but I think the key is to locate a flyway in them areas where they go back and forth between, feeding, water & grit areas, and their roosting areas.

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I hunt near all of them, but I think the key is to locate a flyway in them areas where they go back and forth between, feeding, water & grit areas, and their roosting areas.

Yep, I agree.

Cruise around and look for powerlines over harvested fields. Doves seem to like flat tilled areas where they can access food, grit and water easily.

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  • 11 months later...

Got drawn on a Lotto hunt yesterday.....woohoo !

Well its that time again, and we feel really blessed after our # hit on the 4th call out of a total of 42 winners. Lots of hunters there at Spring Valley and half the crowd didn't draw including my riding buddies. Fields look good and we picked field 4 station 2. Funny we were 4-1 last year and limited out.

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