Please pray for Mel


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Mel, is my friend and my buddy Ken's Dad. He went down to Victoria to get some more work done on his heart and when they were administering an epidural needle they accidentally nicked his spine. He is paralyzed and delirious.

My buddy Ken is heading down to see him in the morning, but we ask you all to please say a prayer for his Dad.

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Please continue to pray

:( First i would like to thank you for your prayers so far

It is not any thing to do with heart problems

He had a Quintuple heart bypass last year which he needed so they could repair an aneurysm in his abdomen and that is what this operation was for.

The operation was successful and he was up and walking very short distances one day after the operation and was doing exceptionally well they were even considering earlier release from the hospital. On day three after the operation he had what they called a catastrophic event as the nurses were taking him for another short walk he just collapsed they got him back to bed and discovered that he was paralyzed confused and hallucinating there first thought was that his spinal column maybe been nicked when the epidural was inserted in his back for the pain, they removed the epidural and said if that was the cause it would work it's self out of his system in 24 hours

well 24 hours later he was in worse shape.

When i talked with the doctors yesterday they had tested his heart and tested for stroke and a multitude of other tests and they all came back negative.

they are thinking now the only thing left that makes sense is that clot from his hardened arteries may have come loose and plugged the one tiny artery that feeds the spinal column,

if this is the case they can do nothing. The normal course for something like this would be blood thinner's but right now they can't use blood thinners because he would bleed to death in minutes they have no other options but to wait it out and see if it will clear it's self. They said he may die or he will be a Quadriplegic

So please pray that if there is a clot it would be dissolved and his spinal column restored to health bye the power of Jesus

I covet your prayers and thank you again

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KenW's Dad Mel, passed away.:(

I haven't seen Ken yet, as he is still down in Victoria with his sister.

His Mom is not going to take this well. She is in a home, with severe MS.

Apparently all the diagnosis' were wrong. He was suffering from what they called "Waterfall Strokes"

I've never even heard of it, and can't find anything on the Internet about it.

Please Keep Ken, his two sisters and his Mom in your prayers. Ken is devastated.

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