It's Almost Deer Season Opens 10-1-2007


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So I know yall have been putting youR time in as far as scouting and stand prep, and some scouting cameras if yall got them........WELL, hows it looking, got any good bucks running around got any troubles or things that might mess up your hunt....I know the farm i hunt has soy beans and the farms around us all have corn so that will make my hunt a challange....but what do yall got going on good or bad lets hear it...........................Good luck and "GET'EM BOYS"

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Will be heading out next week sometime to check out the property and hanga few stands...there were a couple 1-1/2 year old bucks running around their last yar...had one at 35-40 yards but let him go, he should be a pretty good size 2-1/2 year old this year...we (me and one of my cousins) hunt a 22 acre piece of woods surrounded by about 80-90 acres of field, last year it had corn this year it has beans...i am getting pumped, the weather is getting a bit cooler and starting to get that feeling that fall is upon us :)

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in one of my fields ive been seeing a few good bucks and about 5 younger 4 points and spikes, but today i went to one of my other spots and seen about 160in 10 point, witch my brother seen about three 150in plus with about 12 other bucks in the same spot but good luck this year to everyone

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Things are coming right along here.Season starts Oct. 1.Been waiting for some good rain to plant my peas,rape,and turnips,and will be hanging stands the third weekend in September.I just put one of cameras out and will be putting the other out shortly to try and get some picks of the bucks using some of the trails I'll be hunting, so we'll see what happens...come Oct.1 I'll be ready!

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Bow opens Sept. 15th in WI, gun opens Nov. 17th. Been seeing a few buck and a lot of does. My hunting unit is earn a buck again this year, so we will be taking a few good doe out for sure. Hopefully some af the larger buck start showing up in a month or so. Good luck to everyone in the upcoming season.

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