A gobble in January?


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Was duck hunting this morning, first day of the new year although it doesnt feel like it being that it was 50 degrees this morning when i woke up, and heard some hens start talking across the slough. This was normal, we always hear turkeys around the river, then i'll be darn if a bird didnt let out a full roll gobble, i was slammed. Glad i had a buddy w/ me to witness that so folks wouldnt think i'm crazy. I know they'll gobble about anytime but man, January, thats the last thing i expected to hear. But it's got me ready for spring already!! grin.gif

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Re: A gobble in January?

I always thought they always gobble, to leat each other know where they are, to communicate. While deer hunting in Shotgun season, I heard some many Gobblers making so much noise that I couldn't hear any leaves rattling or breaking, cause a doe walked right by me.

But I always thought they'd gobble all the time. Might be wrong, but I've heard them gobble before all year.

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Re: A gobble in January?

I went deer hunting this morning and had probably 50 turkeys with me all morning. The toms and jakes were gobbling their heads off. I even had one tom strut for a little bit out in front of me. It was a cool vantage point from the treestand. Several of the turkeys actually began to roost at about 10:00 in the morning. They stayed up on the roost for an hour or so and then flew down to join the others.

Cool morning.

16 more weeks till we can chase these goofy birds here in Indiana.

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