Prayers plesae


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Re: Prayers plesae


Glad to hear you were not involved in the accident. Lost my best friend to drunk driving 5 years ago. That was a horrible time for me.

Prayers on the way for you and the family of this child.

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Re: Prayers plesae

I don't know what to 10 or 11 year old should be out at a party let alone one where people are drinking. There is no reason why kids should be drinking, there is plenty of time for that when you are of age. I am glad you have learned a lesson from this, I personally lost two good friends to a drunk driving accident when I was in high school. There is never a good reason to be driving drunk.

I pray for all involved that God comfort them during this senseless loss.

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Re: Prayers plesae

How many times must we hear stories like this before we have learned?

How many tears must we shed for children?

How many times must a young person cheat death before they learn they are not invincible?

How many other teens are influenced by the actions or words of a few?

How hard do we really try to keep the young safe?

How much should we weep for another child taken too early in life?

How many times have we cautioned young people to be careful, because we love and care about them?

How many more will die without having the chance to realize life’s real pleasures?

How many parents will continue to let their children act irresponsibly?

How many parents expect their children to “just say no”, when the parent won’t take the responsibility to just say “no” to their children?

How many parents will still let their children go wherever, and whenever they wish?

How many parents really know who their children’s friends are?

How many parents will think they are bad at parenting if they do not buy another vehicle for their child after the child has already proven to lack the responsibility of ownership?

How long will it be, before parents learn that no insurance will bring back to life, a dead child?

Children are a big responsibility and the parents are the ones to blame.

The parents could have prevented this tragedy, but it is now too late.

I hope the parents will be able to carry the load of blame on their shoulders.

I sincerely don’t know if I could. …..popgun

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Re: Prayers plesae

That's why I dont party on New Years much and if I do party, I will park my car so many blocks away and give my keys up.

I don't know you very well, ma'am,. but you got some prayers sent from southern Indiana. I pray for the families and friends of these children that is now lost.

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Re: Prayers plesae

Oh KC, I'm so sorry to hear of the tragedy. Yes, please quit drinking for your sake and the sake of others, the end result of not drinking is much better than the end result of drinking and living a short term high. I will be sure to keep you and your friends in my prayers. My parents are strict also(well mainly my mom as I have never known my real dad, just Andy) but I have begin to learn that parents are strict for a reason. They are protecting us from more harmful things and maybe situations they have experienced. Our parents have more life experience than we do. God has plans for you girl, take care of yourself.

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Re: Prayers plesae

KC: I just wanted to say again, how sorry I am for your loss. Words are never enough to repair the damage that has occurred with the loss of you friends sister.

Somehow, you will have to find the strength inside of you to move forward. You now have a choice to be a voice for others... because you know firsthand, what drinking and driving can do. I don't know how many times I have seen this happen, but everytime it breaks my heart... that's why I made the post about "not wanting to see anyone in my ER". Alcohol is a crippling drug, and although I am not "completely against" it's use... I think, just like any other drug... people need to be thoroughly educated regarding the risks of it... I only hope and pray that you will gain strength from this experience.

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