i have some cam pics to share.....


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sorry dial up users.....but i have pics, cool pics too, lol......i have hard horns, woohoooo, found rubs and scrapes already too.... and a bear.....









saved the best for last.....he tore down the feeder......the flash wasnt set or it just didnt work, i dont know, but i messed with the and yu can at least tell its a bear.....we had to take the feeder down, it's too close to the homes next to the property and we dont want to encourage him/her......at least not anymore, lol.....at least i know this one wasnt the one killed last week on the highway......2 bears left, more i'm sure.......

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it's hotter here than it is there.....what's up with that???:eek:

nice pics btw...:)

i just cant belive that, lol.....i'm dying out there......and today , we're burning the marsh, i am going to die...full gear out in the sun, but i will be on the airboat most of the time,so hopefully it wont be that bad...i'll be able to cool down fairly quick......

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hard horns/rubbing usually start the last week of Aug. where i hunt, at least from what i have seen in the years past.......we're still seeing velvet too.......

so y'all are telling me that it's been that hot where you are at night/evening.....thats horrible.......todays burn was incredible, didnt over heat once and the burn went better than we thought....the feel like has been in the 100's for the last couple of weeks.....we're expecting rain this weekend, woohooo.......

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so y'all are telling me that it's been that hot where you are at night/evening.....thats horrible

Nope...hotter. High today was 100 and here it is 8:00 and it's still 96. If you want to do something outside around here right now you better do it between daylight and 11:00 a.m.

Cool pics of the Florida bear. Last estimated count I heard here in MS was we have about 80 in the state now. Lots of pork running around there too.

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