Score this buck.......


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I'm never one to be very good at judging bucks in velvet, so I'm curious as to what your thoughts are on this buck.

He's got great G3s, and good G2s and 4s, but his brows suck, and he is narrow, but his main beams nearly touch................I'm gonna include pics from many angles, and see what you can come up with. He's the best buck to show up so far, and even though i know there are bigger bucks in the area, I haven't seen them for now I'm gonna focus on this deer a bit........







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That's actually what I've been thinking.....135-140ish......hardest thing to judge on him is the mass.......I figure his G1s are 4", G2s are 9", G3s are 11", G4s are 4" (average between them) and his mains are 20" range, and a 16" inside spread.......throw in 30" of mass and I come up with 142" gross

Sure some of those numbers are gonna be a little different, but I like to keep things simple, and it's normally not far off............I've just never been one of those guys that like a narrow rack, and if this buck was another 2-3 inches wider, he would be a "look no further" kinda buck.........No doubt he would make a great bowkill, but I would of course like to hold out for something a little wider and a little bigger,'s kinda hard not to after last year ;)

Keep the opinions and scores a coming................

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I'm gonna try and pass on's just to bad that the nieghboring properties get absolutely hammered during rifle season..........this buck (and others) don't stand much of a chance of ever seeing their potential.......and this buck has a ton of it..........sadly, he probably won't live to see another year, just for the fact that he is so good for such a young deer.

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