Praise the Lord!


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So lately in theb ack of my head I've been trying to figure out how to have enough money for next semester...all I'm doing right now is spending it on equipment/books for school. Well tonight I'm looking at tuition costs and find out I should be getting about a $1500 check back from the college!:eek::) I had to send back these forms the other day stating I'm a resident of NY state...I just relized tonight they charged me the out of state residency tuition cost rather than in-state because I supposedly forgot to check a box on my application. Anyway that really lifts a burden off my back! I've still got money coming from my camp job, so now I am secure for next semester also...whew!

I 've been praying and trying to trust in the Lord that he will provide in some way and sure enough after I asked him in my prayers last night, I discover this tonight! A blessing indeed!

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