Well the time is near...


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Tomorrow morning I will be getting up at 6am and leaving at 7am to make the 40 minute commute on my first day as a nursing student. I have an 8am, 9am, and 1pm class. My plans are after my 9am class, to try and get the 1 credit class I need sorted out, and get my car registered. Then probably go check out the library...study whatever I might need to. It shouldn't be too difficult of a first week, minus needing to get my 2nd Hep. B shot and maybe going to the chiropractor again. Then squirrel season this weekend, woohoo. I am excited though and my goal is to study alot and do well and maybe aim for honors of some sort. Keep me in your prayers for a safe drive each day as I embark on God's next step for me.;)

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I'll be starting back to school tomorrow too Ruth! I'm in term 3 of 4 of my GM training. I go 2 months a year. I'll be getting up around 5:50 or so to get ready and be on the road at 6:20-6:25 for the next two months. The college is in downtown Ottawa which is only 35 minutes from here, but I leave early to beat the rush hour, I absolutely hate sitting in traffic. :mad::D I usually get to the college around 7:00 and help my teachers set up the practial lessons and have a coffee before class starts at 8:00.

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Good luck, but determination on your part will negate the need for it.

Nursing is looking to be one of the hottest career paths in the Nation over the next few years as the baby boomers filter out. I have seen several programs where nurses are paid very very well to be traveling nurses. I am not sure of the details but you work from one city for a while and then go somewhere else.

The best thing is that you get access to all of the doctor residents while they are working insane hours and too busy to date. Play your cards right and you could be married to a doctor some day! :D

Study hard!


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