An example of poor ethics.


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Went out again tonight to see if it was just by chance................nope. the dingbat spent some time roaring back and forth on the nearest grid road. His muffler is so ridiculously loud I'd be surprised if he saw a good deer all yr from the road, they're heading for the hills at a 1/4 mile. Oh well, what's a guy to do when someone shows no ethics or common sense. Guess a guy just has to figure out where the deer that used to be there are now or find another spot. Anyways, I'm trying to find some humor in it, will be sure to have a chuckle or 2 with the landowners I have permission from, the same guys who said nobody else had asked, go figure.

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the dingbat spent some time roaring back and forth on the nearest grid road. His muffler is so ridiculously loud I'd be surprised if he saw a good deer all yr from the road, they're heading for the hills at a 1/4 mile.

That is a shame, kind of sounds like the kid/kids are trying to disrupt your hunting for some reason.

Its sad that its come to that, but some hunters are only interested in putting their name in the record book or putting something on their wall by any means neccessary.

Yep, some areas around here used to be kind of secret and were great as there really were very few around hunting, but unfortunately word got out, and there has been a flood of hunters into the area on any properties they can get on.

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Kaare we have the same problem here for a few years on my own land. We started doing things right, scouting, only shooting mature deer ect. We were always getting a few big bucks every year and would hang them in the tree and celebrate. Well for the last 2 years when the groups around us would know I was gone back to the city as this is my cottage land, they would be all over our place trying to get a big one, we had trail cam pics and neighbors telling us.

Now when we get a big one it gets put in the garage and taken out at night, we celebrate in private and when asked how the hunting is going just say ah could be better. People and even good friends change when it comes to hunting not sure why but have seen it ruin allot of good friendships.

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...good friends change when it comes to hunting not sure why but have seen it ruin allot of good friendships.

Now that is a shame! Fortunately that's only happened to me with one acquaitance (formerly a good friend). The rest of my hunting buddies (true friends) share in the thrill of each others successful hunts as if it were our own. That's the way it should be with a true friend IMHO.

Saskman...just wondering...since you've asked the landowners for permission, have you by chance asked them if you could post their land?

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Although it sucks, it's still open to the public if the land isn't posted correct? Not much you can do except find another area. Stuff like this happens all the time. If someone tells you about a great area to fish, chjances are you will go fish there. If someone tells you that there are big bucks in a certain area, chances are you will go to that area. Ethics are a personal choice and although I share your view in regards to what is proper, it's not right for us to judge another persons when what they are doing is perfectly legal. You mentioned there is tons of acreage all around you that is hardly hunted. Go find another spot only this time keep it to yourself.;)

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Don't remember saying anywhere it was public land, try private. As for 2 of the 3 landowners, I'm the only one who asked permission, the other one lives 1000's of miles away and I asked him too but his piece is not posted. I'd bet I'm the only one who asked him too, I doubt many people even know where to find him.

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never tell

My thoughts are, never, ever, tell anyone the whereabouts of your hunting success. This is especially true when hunting out of a stand where you have scouted and established the perfect ambush point. Keep in mind, if hunting on land that has public access that other hunters may well pick the same area as you for the very same reasons that you did. If you have a stand or bait site set up then anyone walking through the area will assume that it is a good place to hunt and unless you have exclusive rights to the spot then you can expect company. Unethical? Maybe, but that's what you can expect. My theory, leave as little evidence you have been there as possible. That is why I use a climbing stand and never leave anything in the woods.

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Saskman, "Im pick'n up what your putt'n down!" The week before I got my big muley last year the land owner kicked off 5 guys on his property.It is, or was posted but sighns freshly ripped down.Im staying low key from now on.No more deer contest or posting pics from me.Sorry but to many bad eggs "LURKING" out there.

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Guest DaveGP

i feel your pain,,, the farmer where we hunt on his SMALL farm let the neighbor come down for a hunt one night and then he just kept showing up over and over! how rude... but was he there when we brought the hay in, NO, and he set up right in the middle of the cow pasture at the top of a valley,,,ruined half the farm.... im not going to allow it this year, i will tell the farmer no more hay from me, the property is too small... it would almost be unsafe... people have no ethics anymore !

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Really is a shame to see this type of thing. People do not respect property and the rights the landowners have. Here you are supposed to have written permission from the landowner on you if you do not own the land whether the property is posted or not. If the property is properly posted it just makes it that much easier to prosecute the violators, but they can be cited even if the property is not posted.

Unfortunately trespassers are everywhere, even small tracts. Had to deal with a guy last year who was on the neighboring property here where only my family has permission from my neighbor. He thought he was on a different property, but he was well over the line. Second person I have caught who has either shot or shot at a deer where they should not have been in the first place in the last 5 years. What really stinks there is we dont really have all that much and it has become overcrowded around us, we stay inside our lines, those who lack respect can totally screw up a area that is small and ruin the hunting pretty well for the entirety of the season and leave us with no real alternatives other than possibly going and hunting public land. Least on large tracts, you can move around some. Heard something on a show the other day that Saskatchewan has some spots that have gone unhunted for several years that are in the tens of thousands of acres.

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Don't remember saying anywhere it was public land, try private. As for 2 of the 3 landowners, I'm the only one who asked permission, the other one lives 1000's of miles away and I asked him too but his piece is not posted. I'd bet I'm the only one who asked him too, I doubt many people even know where to find him.

What are the laws there? Does the land have to be posted in order for it to be considered "private"? If they are violating trespass laws then you most certainly have a beef. If not, then grin and bear it. They have as much right to the area as you regardless whether you have permission or not if that's the law. If not then call the cops. Simple either way.

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Guest Guideman

I agree 100% this behavior is highly unethical.

If this person is them to the fish and game.

As ethical hunters, we strive to preserve the sport and the animals that we love to hunt. I get a huge rush out of the final 30 day countdown to the opener. I get childlike giddy.

But, to have illegal and unethical hunters contaminating your core hunting area. Not good. Especially when the come from afar.

I wish you well in this situation.

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John, guaranteed they know what they're doing and they know I've been set up in there for a few years. It really burns my arse b/c there are so many places to hunt and they appear to be simply trying to reap the rewards of another's work. I'll tell you...sometimes telling anyone you got a big deer can be a big mistake.

See, and then in the end, when they can't shoot anything worth bragging about, they will ultimately come up with the thought that since they couldn't shoot a good deer, there is no way you should have been able to, so they will think you must have poached them.........oh how well I know how idiots like this think...

I recently found out somebody has been attempting to sabotage one of my old honey holes that I rarely use, just because "they heard" I was after a big buck out there........supposedly they've been whizzing all around my stand and gathering clippings from the barber shop and leaving them all over.........sure it P's me off, but I ain't gonna loose sleep over it, I've got tons of others spots to hunt.....idiots don't realize they only ruined it for themselves, LOL.........

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I have had a similar experience......I hunt on about 100 acres of property behind my house. Both my father and I have permanent stands up and mine has been there for about 5 years and his has been there for more than 15. Yet some people still go in there and hunt all around there, not only during the season but also they go in there during the summer and scare all the deer around. One year I had a tree stand less than 50 yards from mine during the rifle season. I went over to the guy and told him respectfully, that my tree stand had been there for many years and I use ut regularly and if he could move his stand farther away, i told him that i had no objection to him hunting there just not so close to me. Well the next day I went in there and the stand wasnt moved. i said ok...maybe he will get to it tomorrow or something. Nope, that stand stayed there for the next week and a half. Well I needless to say I was a little angry. The next time I saw that guy in his stand, i walked up to him and told him that if he didnt move the stand right now I would call the game commission. Then, he moved his stand. It just made me angry that the guy obviously could see my treestand, and knew that my father and I hunter there regularly, its like a house on stilts and he was less than 50 yards away! The I have never seen the guy back there so atlest maybe he got the hint.

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Now if they are youngsters, I guess my approach to this would be to take them under my wing and help them set-up to also harvest a deer. Unless it is private land, you have no rights to claim any spot as your own.

These guys have the potential of becoming great hunting buddies.

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i know how you feel saskman i wouldnt be happy about this either, i guess if they think they are legal they will do whatever it takes to take a nice deer no matter whos spot they hunt, i would never push anybody our of there hunting spot i would feel bad if i did it on accident even. its a shame people has to keep quiet when they find a big buck for risk of what is happening to you, I'd get out there and find there stand and see if its baited

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