Job Prayer Request


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Hi everyone........just wondering if I could get a shout out, for a job that has come up that my family really needs........great pay, great benifits, closer to home and striaght days with weekends off, with a very stable and well established power company....

I interview for the position in about an hour and half.........keep me and my family in your prayers that God blesses us with this opporunity.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I forgot to get back to you all.......I felt the interview went well, and of course I beat myself up on the drive home, thinkning of all the things I should have said different.........

Anywho, they did several background checks on my the past several days, so that is a good sign. I sent a follow up letter just to keep my name in their heads, and I heard did they did interview through last week, so since I haven't received a rejection letter yet, I will keep thinking positive and praqying as well..

Thanks for all of the prayers so far....keep them coming. It really is the perfect fit for my family......Clay

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OK....I called and talked to one of the guys who interviewed me, just to talk about some of the old things that showed up on my background check....nothing bad, but I still felt the need to explain some of it...after all I don't want anything jeapardizing my chances.....

He went on to tell me that they had interviewed 11 of us, and had one more to interview next week.........and that it looked like they were going to hire 2, possibly 3 of those 12......not to bad of odds ?!?!? He also said that they wer ein the middle of a shut down, so he hoped I was a patient man, to which I said I was, but also eager......

I'll keep you posted, and keep me in your thoughts.....I need every bit of God's help i can get....

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