Hutning wild boar


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So something I'd love to do one day is shoot a wild boar...probably with my bow. I was thinking maybe when I graduate from nursing school...that's be my graduation gift. I was wondering if there are places in NY or PA to hunt them? I've seen a few adds for outfitters or whatever that have wild boar and it wasn't too expensive to go hunt them. Anyone have experience in doing such?

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Ruth it depends what kind of hunt you're satisfied with and are looking for.

The Tioga Boar Hunts that were linked above are only a few hundred acres completely fenced with sub-fences inside splitting up the different animal types. The few friends that went that I know turned around and went home and didn't shoot anything complaining they could see the fences and felt like they were hunting in a "zoo". If you're fine with that kind of hunt then you could try Tioga Boar Hunts which are linked above.

Besides that the only other hog hunting area around here that I know of is this one, which I've heard is much less noticable that there are fences and the animals aren't so tame. I personally don't know anyone who's gone there yet, but seen on another forum someone talking the place up with a similar question to yours was asked.

Some locals claim the public hunting areas around the Tioga Boar Hunt have some escaped hogs that you can free-range hunt. They are considered open game I believe, but it'd be best to contact our PGC about it before doing it if you go this route. If there are free-range hogs loose I'm sure the PGC would even be able to tell you where to go for them, because I'm sure they don't want them to be free-range like that. You will have to do the foot work and find the hogs though, but you might be able to get yourself a free-range hog that way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tioga is a fun place to hunt, Ruth. That is my picture on themain page of the website. When you go, ask for Rod and tell him Jay said to find you a monster.

I've killed 2 there, both over 300 pounds and both with my bow. You will have a blast. They are down-home country folks just like us.

Oh, and if there are "escaped" hogs on surrounding areas. They would have to Houdini Hog to get out AND you would have to get permission from local landowners because all the land around Tioga Boar is privately owned

Ruth.. here's a place in PA...
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