wheat/oats plot

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i planted a litt plot about 100ft by 50ft kinda kindny bean shaped with 3 trees at one end there is a old 4 wheeler trail going in one end out the other and a old relly groun up on goign otu the one side but deer use it some there is also a mineral block on the one end the deer love tracks there from last summer about a month after putting it out till now i planted wheat and oats about a week and a half ago and its up about 4 inches all i did was go over nicly with disc breaking about 3 inches of ground up spreading wheat and oats and then did some discing again to work it in then draged with chainlink fence its looking good as long as we dont get to hott and we get some more rain i planted this in a nice steady rain looks good

this is in kinda a clearin in the woods i made abotu 4 years ago closes crop feild is like 100 yards away and is corn and creek is another hundred years away oppiste crop feild

sorry no pics dig camera aint working good

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