Prayers for Steve Beilgard and wife today


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I think everyone should be saying a prayer today for Steve and his wife today. His wife is going through surgery today. They are very good people and could probably use prayers from us all. I haven't met them yet but I have talked to him on the phone and these are some great folks.

Our family is praying that everything will go great.


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I am not really religios but a prayer is sent for you Rilda, you to Steve, You are two of the best peopel this world has to offer, The way you 2 helped me and the family out on our camping trip gettign a site and having us for supper was way past what you needed to do, never forgotten buddy!Give me a holler if you want anytime!!


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I am not really religios but a prayer is sent for you Rilda, you to Steve, You are two of the best peopel this world has to offer, The way you 2 helped me and the family out on our camping trip gettign a site and having us for supper was way past what you needed to do, never forgotten buddy!Give me a holler if you want anytime!!


That says it all for me,,

Steve and Rilda are truely soles from heaven... These two people have helped me out more than I could ever express...

Prayers and thoughts are with the entire Beilgard family from here...

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I knew that the people on these forums all praying together would help a lot but this is fantastic!

I have to leave at 4:00am and should be asleep but I had to load my truck and thought I would see what was going on in the forums. I am glad that I found out the good news before I left. My whole family was worried and praying also.

Amen and see you in Casper!


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