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Well, it looks like Fred Dalton Thompson is going to make it official next week and announce that he is running for president. Personally, I think he is one of two best choices out there, along with Mike Huckabee. But I also think that he has severely handicapped himself by entering the race at this late date. He's way behind in fund raising, and many of the top Republicans have already given their endorsements to other candidates. But, I also firmly believe that Fred (or any other Republican candidate for that matter) can still win the nomination and the general election if they will stick to solid, conservative, Reagan-like principles.

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New this was coming eventually, heard a little on this yesterday afternoon, his announcement is supposed to be on Sept 6th I believe. I think he will get the nomination over Giuliani despite the late start and then go on to win in the election over Hillary. Will be interesting to see who he will chose as a running mate, pretty safe to say it will likely not be one of the current candidates that are running.

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Not Interested in Him Anymore!

I was really taking a hard look at him and was considering that I would vote for him until he came out and said "that if I am elected President, I will try to get Roe v Wade overturned" and "I would want a constitutional amendment making marriage between a man and women only"!:(

That is the end of any interest I have in voting for him! If he is going to worry about running the country on those 2 issues, he certainly is too shallow to be President!:(

I will look at someone else!

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I was really taking a hard look at him and was considering that I would vote for him until he came out and said "that if I am elected President, I will try to get Roe v Wade overturned" and "I would want a constitutional amendment making marriage between a man and women only"!:(

That is the end of any interest I have in voting for him! If he is going to worry about running the country on those 2 issues, he certainly is too shallow to be President!:(

I will look at someone else!

Hmmmmm. I'd vote for him just on those two issues alone, but I'm sure there are a lot more issues that he is willing to address rather than just those two. Maybe there's more to your dislike for him than meets the eye, but, everyone is entitled to an opinion :D

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If he is going to worry about running the country on those 2 issues, he certainly is too shallow to be President!:(

Where did you hear this Orlan, and how much have you left out. Was this an excerpt from a speech, part of an interview or what, and how much more was there to what was said? How about a link to this information?

I dont think for one second those two issues are the only concerns that Thompson has as you suggest by the way you worded your comment here. Matter of fact, I have heard quite but on where he stands on many issues including his thoughts on Iraq, and I dont think it is fair to take out of context what the man is saying like you have done here. But since you bring it up, just like Steve here, I agree that the man stands for the same values I believe in when it comes to same sex marriage and abortion.

It is no secret you are pro choice, you have it made that very clear. If you dont like the man because he has Christian values, come on out and say it instead of trying to make it out that he only has those intentions you mention.

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Too Far Right Wing!

He gave a speech on CSPAN and I don't remember where it was but he was addressing those 2 issues only!

I happen to believe in "pro choice" and forget about an amendment for "marriage"!

The government should stay out of the bedroom and marriage! Let the people make their own choices!

After going through this crap with Larry Craig in Idaho, I am glad he resigned and we can get on with someone else. What a hypocrite he has turned out to be!:mad:

The longer I am around, the more I am moving toward the middle road and forget all this right wing crap! The left wing is just as bad!

I know that next year, I am going to be voting for both some democrats and republicans! No straight ticket for me! Never have voted that way and if Raisch gets appointed senator from Idaho, I am going to look at the democrat very hard!

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He gave a speech on CSPAN and I don't remember where it was but he was addressing those 2 issues only!

Typically in an interview, the interviewer asks the questions, here is a link to the transcripts from an interview where the interviewer asks on those topics as well as several others http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,258222,00.html. Dont know why those two topics were brought up first by the interviewer, but they did not spend much time on them. Here is a link to a more recent video interview http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3159570904069596210.

Was it the speech in Indiana you are talking about? Maybe this one, can click the video from this link http://blogsforfredthompson.com/youtube-video-fred-thompson-midwest-gop-leadership-conference-8-25-07? Guess if you quit listening, you failed to hear 20 minutes in when he gets on the issues. If this is the speech you are suggesting you got this from, there is more to it than just what you posted here.

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I really didn't listen to the speech all that long because when he said those things, I lost all interest in him!

I will go with Rudy before I would go with him!

The only way that I would vote for Fred Thompson would be if he was running against Hillary! It that happens, then I would vote for him and vote for democrats in the senate and house races!

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I will go with Rudy before I would go with him!

That is certainly your right Orlan. Interestingly enough, on those issues, Rudy has not given a real definitive stance. Last I heard if I was to understand correctly, he seemed to be leaving it open that he would let congress make those decisions and he would not say yeah or nah. Seemed to be dodging the subject if you ask me in an effort to not lose more of the republican party support than he already has. Another thing on Rudy as I am assure you are already aware is that he has what would many gun owners would view as a negative stance on their rights. There is a site, that I wont link due to popups, that tells where each candidate stands on the issues. Not too hard on the web to find answers.

He gave a speech on CSPAN and I don't remember where it was but he was addressing those 2 issues only!

I really didn't listen to the speech all that long because when he said those things, I lost all interest in him!

That is the end of any interest I have in voting for him! If he is going to worry about running the country on those 2 issues, he certainly is too shallow to be President!:(

Might suck it up and try to listen to more of what the man has to say, even if you do not agree with all of it, before jumping to conclusions and making misleading comments Orlan. Dont think Mr. Thompson has ever claimed that he plans to run this country on those two issues alone as you said here, certainly not what I got from the speech you suggested you got that information from, if that was the c-span speech you are referring to. Think the links I provided might shed a little better light on the truth. Your very own comments here show that your opinion of Mr. Thompson is more likely what is based solely on those two issues. As I said before, anyone can do a search and find out for themselves fairly quickly where the candidates stand and how they have voted on issues important to them. I would strongly encourage every voter who reads these threads to find out for themselves who best supports their views and to not just make a rash decision based on what they hear someone talking about or on what they may read on a hunting forum.

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Thompson is way to conservative for me!

The 2 issues "prolife" and "constitutional mariiage amendment" I am against both of his stand on them!

He might have some things that I would agree with, but I am quite sure they are in a minority!

As to guns, I am well aware that Rudy is for gun control! I will take my chances with him before all the right wing agenda any day of the week!

Lets look back when the Republicans had both houses along with Bush! What accoplishments did they do that were so great?

The economy was made stronger with the tax cuts, no doubt about that!

They certainly did NOT control spending! More pork than ever!

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...I happen to believe in "pro choice" and forget about an amendment for "marriage"!

The government should stay out of the bedroom and marriage! Let the people make their own choices!...

Not to hijack my own thread, but that statement is exactly the reason I think that Roe v. Wade should be overturned. The American voters were never given an opportunity to have any say in the matter of legalizing abortion on demand. Seven men in black robes with lifetime appointments decided that they knew what was best for the country. All I ask for is a chance to vote on it. I'm willing to accept the outcome.

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I agree 1000% with Texan on this one. Why not let us citizens vote on the abortion issue and the queer union issue? I think things would get settled much faster this way. Can we vote on getting rid of ALL the illegals, muslim whack jobs, and child molesters as well? I'd like to see a vote on the death penality for child porn and child molestation!!!!!!!!!!

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I can trust a man a lot more when he tells me what he really thinks. Disagree with him if you want, but at least you know what you're getting. Rudy seems to have learned the Al Gore shuffle on answering a straight question. I just can't trust a man who won't give an answer.

Roe-v-Way, what's wrong with the state(the people) being able to decide for themselves?

Gay marrage, there is a lot more implications besides what happens in the bedroom when it comes to these unions. But that's a whole 'nother debate.

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