Cancer Update


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I'm headed back down to Victoria next Wednesday, for my second Ultra-sound, so see if my prostate has shrunk down to a size, where they can get in there and give me the radioactive seed implants.

I sure hope so, because I don't think I can take another 4 months of this female stuff...LOL. I need my sleep...bad.

It's been a rough summer, with little work, but it was my own fault for turning down so many jobs that I just couldn't handle.

I was hoping to pick up enough smaller stuff to fill the gap, but we have had the wettest summer on record for many years, and the smaller stuff just didn't materialize like I was hoping it would. That dang female hormone capsule shot in my rear end did me in, big time. I barely slept for the last 4 months. I phoned my doctor at the Cancer clinic in Victoria a few weeks back, and asked if there was anything I could take to combat these dang hot-flashes, and he put me on Novo-Venlafaxine (an anti-depressant) to combat the hot-flashes. "One" of the side effects of this drug, is that it gives you the chills, which have help cut the daytime hot-flashes in about half, and the night-time ones somewhat too. At lease I've been getting some sleep in the last week or so, but still wake up plenty during the night.

I just finished painting an small, brand new house on Friday morning, and it was a struggle, with the high, 2 story ceilings, but I made it through.

Last night, I felt like a mac truck had it me. I wasn't feeling good at all, so I went to bed without any supper at 6:00pm, and slept all night until 5:30 am. Boy oh boy, did that feel good. Diana said she tried to wake me up at 8:00pm, and thought I was dead, accept for the snoring...LOL ... so she just let me sleep.:D

I appreciate all of your prayers, and hope for the best on Wednesday.

The doc says these hormones will wear off slowly, and it my take a few months to get my life back, as far as my hormones go, so I'd appreciate some prayers for that part too.

In spite of everything, I have an awful lot to be thankful for this year. My son getting married, and me gaining not only one new daughter, but also a long lost daughter and a grandchild as well is just awesome, and I give thanks to God for that.

Thanks my friends, for all you do in here.

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