plot flooded


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Well i'm kinda under the exact opposite conditions, but i can relate to your problem. I planted all my food plots on the saturday and sunday before Katrina hit(Monday). We got plenty of rain. I'm guessing at least 7 inches, but i really dont know. Most of it came up. Some was washed away of course, but for the most part it came up. I hope yours works out. Would be terrible to spend all that money for nothing.

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With the plot being a year old, it should be established. The clover should survive the flood, if the water did not stay for too long. Used to have clover growing in the bottom here, and it did fine with the occasional floods that would come through where it was only under water for a couple days. What did it in was being under water for about 8 months out of the previous year. Of course this year we have been in a drought

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