What would you do part I


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Re: What would you do part I

I'd drill it. We are alowed to shoot 2 bucks per day depending on what county you are hunting. If its the same deer I shot earlier, it will be dead now. If its another deer I nowhave a lot of work to do, but have 2 nice 8 pointers on the ground.

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Re: What would you do part I

Well, if I am 100% positive that I put a fatal shot on the first one, and I am 100% positive that the second one I saw was the one I shot, I would not shoot. I would give him some time to expire. However, if it wasn't the same deer and I had ample tags and I was 100% sure I could put a fatal shot, I would shoot.

Oh, who am I kidding? frown.gif I know that there are a lot of "ifs" so I would let him walk and track the first one.

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Re: What would you do part I


I mean I would keep throwing lead until something was dead.....

Without knowing for sure you hit the 1st buck and in VT that would be the only buck you saw. Seeing a 2nd is a no brainer up here. I of course would make a good effort with investigating the 1st shot but would not pass up the 2nd.

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Re: What would you do part I

here in Michigan if you have 2 tags you can shoot 2 bucks in one day, that's how I ended my third deer season on the first day of gun. First a ten point, then a 4, shot within 15 min of each other, I was waiting for the big one to lay down when the 4 came out down the same trail.

in the situation you described however, I'm not sure what I'd do, I guess I'd have to be in this position first to know for sure

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Re: What would you do part I

Well, I see what your getting at.The first shot felt good but your not certain, your adrenalines going, the second buck matches the one you just shot at and you got about half a second to decide before you lose your shot oppurtunity on the second one.

So if this all happened in real time I probably aint gonna stand there and have time to debate it.Honestly, Id probably shoot, the odds of there being two bucks with the same size rack cant be that great escpecially if you just shot on the other side of the ridge.But that probably wouldnt enter my mind either, I really think shooting the second buck would almost just be a reflex without much thought involved.

I do believe after the second shots when the doubt would come in, did you shoot the wrong deer?What are you gonna do if you got two bucks down?You gonna leave one, find a friend with a tag, sneak one out after dark?im not saying anyone would intentionaly poach a deer, Im just saying realisticaly when things happen that fast and your already excited people as a rule tend to act first and question it later.

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Re: What would you do part I

I'm pretty sure I'd read the body language on the deer the second time I saw it, to make sure it was the same buck. eg, limping, labouring to move etc. I would hope I had time to do that.

If it bounded off like there was nothing wrong with it, I would probably shoot, thinking it was the same buck. I would check for blood where it was...back off untill morning or give it 4 or 5 hours, before persueing it any further.

If there was no blood sign where it was, I would continue looking for sign from the one I shot at.

I know my answer sounds pretty positive, but, under those curcumstances, if I didn't have but seconds to think, I might also take the second shot, thinking it was the same deer.

Slit second thinking isn't too great sometimes...LOL

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