planted this weekend....


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I tilled and planted 3 plots this weekend on my 160 acres.

The first plot is on my waterfowl pond. I planted 150# of wheat and 50# of a local wildlife mixture.


Second plot is about 1/2 acre--I planted some Hamann Farms clover/trefoil that I didn't get to plant last year due to the severe drought. I added 30# of wheat and 10# of the wildlife mix as a nurse crop.


The 3rd plot is a long narrow plot that follows the contour of a creek. It's probably about 100 yards long and 10 yards wide.


This is a pic of my stand on the creek:


Here is a pic of my Hamann Farms clover/trefoil plot that I planted 4 years ago. I was going to kill it all this summer and replant but after the spring rains I had a lot of regrowth from the clover/trefoil. There are a lot of grassy weeds but still lots of forage for the deer. I mowed it 3 times this summer to knock out a lot of the weeds.


My spring planting is still producing a lot of food:



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Looks good Todd. That spring mix is what my daughters plot probably should have looked like.

Spent all day here yesterday working in the dust trying to get my ground ready, and dont think I really did much good. Ran the tiller, over the yellowed grass and all it seemed to do was put the grass right back on top and kick up a lot of dust. The ground is so dry the grass is not sticking to the soil at all. Ended up burning off the dead grass on one of the plots. Hopefully we will get some rain this week and I will be able to til again after we get some moisture. Seems all I accomplished yesterday was getting really close to getting overheated and stirring up a bunch of dust.

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William--you are in the same situation I was in last year. Heck--last spring I didn't even plant. All my clover/alfalfa fields burned up--even the chicory was toast. I was surprised this spring to see the clover regenerate--don't know if it was from roots or reseeding.

We have a 40% chance or better just about everyday this week so hopefully the seeds will get a drink. I still have one more plot to do at my 80 acres--was planning on doing this week but may end up being too wet.

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