5 on my first time in the dove field!


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I finally broke down and went on Saturday morning! I had an awesome time and shot two boxes of shells. I took an old Remington Game Master (12ga) because It was plugged and I didn't want to dig for other plugs.

Anyway, first field looked like cut corn. At sun up we realized it had been flooded and the corn simply fell over. I saw a few and took my first three shots of the morning but no birds. We could hear shooting all around us but I really wasn't seeing any birds in that field.

We loaded up and ran to some nearby public land. We followed a 1-mile ROUGH road through knee deep mud holes and low limbs. We ended up in a Dove Mecca! A nearby field kept most of the doves flying high from other guns trying to reach them. Regardless, they would occasionally come in fast and low. My first bird down was actually a double!

It was a blast from there. I know I knocked down 5 but I honestly lost a couple. Made me sick. I looked all morning but couldn't find a single bird that was lost. Still, had a blast and now Im HOOKED!

You were right "P," Im now a bird hunter and LOVE this. A 935 is now on my shortlist of new hunting stuff!

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Told ya'. :D

As far as plugs go, break off a pencil and use that.

As far as losing birds, it happens, I've lost one this year, but what helps me is disciplining yourself to mark the bird as it falls and retrieve it before shooting another one. In the past, most of the birds I lose are because something distracts me when I'm going to retrieve a bird. I keep my eye on the weed where I saw the dove fall, and I walk right towards it. I lose very few birds that way.

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