Sign-Up State Deer Contest

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Moon has just gave me a really good scoring idea that I think we will use it dosent matter how many points your buck is or how many people are in a group so no matter what everyone has a chance he will be posting these rules in another thread. Below are the rules.


Antlered Deer - Any deer with at least one spike of 1-inch in length protruding above the skin or any deer with multiple points to one antler greater than 1-inch in length.

Antlerless Deer - Any deer without antlers, button-buck, or deer with both spikes less than 1-inch in length protruding above the skin.


Each member of a state team is allowed to only submit one deer, their best scoring deer, to the team's score. The team's score will be determined by adding up all of the current submission scores and dividing them by the number of submittants for the team. Unsuccessful hunters will not subtrack from your team's score any. Below are the scores you will get depending on what type a deer you submit, antlered or antlerless.

Antlered Deer: 7

Antlerless Deer: 5



Team Pennsylvania (10 Hunters)

Hunter 1: 7

Hunter 2: 5

Hunter 3: N/A

Hunter 4: N/A

Hunter 5: N/A

Hunter 6: 5

Hunter 7: 7

Hunter 8: N/A

Hunter 9: 5

Hunter 10: N/A

Sub-Total: 29 (5 Submissions)

Total: 29/5 = 5.8

Team Rhode Island (1 Hunter)

Hunter 1: 5

Sub-Total: 5 (1 Submission)

Total: 5/1 = 5

Team Minnesota (2 Hunters)

Hunter 1: 7

Hunter 2: 5

Sub-Total: 12 (2 Submissions)

Total: 12/2 = 6

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it dosent matter how many points your buck is

So in another words, this contest will be won by the state that kills all bucks? i dont agree with this at all. Let me show you why.


Hunter 1-7

Hunter 2-7


Total- 6 1/3


Hunter 1-7

Hunter 2-5



Hunter 1-7

Hunter 2-5

Hunter 3-7

Hunter 4-7

Hunter 5-7

Total- 6 3/5


Hunter 1-7

Total 7


Hunter 1-5

Hunter 2-5

Hunter 3-7

Hunter 4-7

Total 6

Ok, I think i've made my point. Florida would win here because they had one hunter and killed a buck no matter what the size. No one else could come close unless they entered all bucks. This just doesnt make sense to me.

For the record, this is how i would do it.

Antlerless= 5

Antlered= 5+number of points.

You're on to something by dividing points by number of hunters, i just think you need something to make a big buck worth something

Just my 2 cents

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So in another words, this contest will be won by the state that kills all bucks? i dont agree with this at all. Let me show you why.


Hunter 1-7

Hunter 2-7


Total- 6 1/3


Hunter 1-7

Hunter 2-5



Hunter 1-7

Hunter 2-5

Hunter 3-7

Hunter 4-7

Hunter 5-7

Total- 6 3/5


Hunter 1-7

Total 7


Hunter 1-5

Hunter 2-5

Hunter 3-7

Hunter 4-7

Total 6

Ok, I think i've made my point. Florida would win here because they had one hunter and killed a buck no matter what the size. No one else could come close unless they entered all bucks. This just doesnt make sense to me.

For the record, this is how i would do it.

Antlerless= 5

Antlered= 5+number of points.

You're on to something by dividing points by number of hunters, i just think you need something to make a big buck worth something

Just my 2 cents

Problem with your idea is some states you aren't guaranteed a buck tag and it's a lottery, unless you go with an expensive outfitter. In my suggestion I was trying to keep that aspect of it a bit more even for the different states and also from preventing any state from having too much of an advantage based on the species of deer they have to hunt there. I don't think a Florida team would find it very fair to go with adding number of points to the scores when stacked against a team of Illinois individuals? Or a state where maybe only 2 of their 5 members draw a buck tag stacked against a team of Pennsylvania individuals which auto get a buck tag with their general license?

There honestly isn't a 100% full proof way that will 1) allow everyone in the team a chance to participate and not just put only a few or one individual in the spotlight for their team 2) prevent the "big deer" states from having too much of an upper hand from states with smaller sub-species of deer and overall smaller deer and 3) prevent this from being in favor of bucks...With my idea I was sacrificing the lime light on the bucks a bit to try to allow everyone a chance to participate no matter what state they were in and what type of tag (buck or doe) they may have to use for the year. If you are afraid of the single teams beating up on the teams with more than one member we could always combine any state teams of one all together to make a joint team like say if Rhode Island has one participant and Vermont has one participant and Maine has one participant entered we could make it a combo team of Team Rhode Island/Vermont/Maine and then they have a team of 3?

I was just making a suggestion to Brad and offering to help him out a bit. I honestly wasn't even expecting my idea to be used, but hoping it'd at least give another direction for Brad to think about when coming up with rules. It's up to him how he wants to run this. I honestly am not in this contest to win, just to have fun, and just to meet new people. It's not even for prizes. I was just trying to be nice and offer Brad a hand with a new fun contest he was trying to start up. I don't think it's possible to 100% please everyone in this contest and make it 100% foolproof no matter which was we cut it here without making it so technical that it requires official measurers in every state and B&C/P&Y scoring, etc. etc. and that just takes all the fun out the contest to go that route. IMO

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Everyone keeps mentioning Florida........but no one from Florida has signed up. Think it's just me and HuntnMa anyway.........don't know if USAFBowhunter will hunt here or not.



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British Columbia

Looks like some kinks to iron out, but it really doesn't matter. I'm just looking forward to seeing everyone with big grins on their faces entering a deer.

If it comes down to lumping neighboring states/provinces together, I see there's also just one entry from each of WA and ID right now.

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I'm not entering yet because it all just doesn't make sense. My feelings are like this...

If you want to keep score there must be winners and losers... just how it is...

Even out the teams by equal members in similar geographic location. (Like what you see in the map you added only with fairer sized groups.) Antlerless get 5, bucks get 5 plus points over one inch. Run it just like the main deer contest just go by equal sized geographic groups (regroup the states in that map to equal out area size), thats the only way to run a contest - there will be winners and runners up... (otherwise we might as well just share pix).

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I'm not entering yet because it all just doesn't make sense. My feelings are like this...

If you want to keep score there must be winners and runners up... just how it is...

Even out the teams by equal members in similar geographic location. (Like what you see in the map you added only with fairer sized groups.) Antlerless get 5, bucks get 5 plus points over one inch. Run it just like the main deer contest just go by equal sized geographic groups (regroup the states in that map to equal out area size), thats the only way to run a contest - there will be winners and runners up... (otherwise we might as well just share pix).

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