Winter projects?


Recommended Posts what is everyones "winter plans"...after the season ends? Mine is to work on my motorcycle in changing it into more of a pro street type bike. I have a 1996 HD Dyna Lowrider, and my winter plans are to change the front forks from a narrow glide to a wide glide, to lower the rear end about 1 - 1 1/2", to change my kickstand to a forward/ frame mounted kickstand, and change the exhaust over if money permits. I am also replacing throttle cables, clutch cables and brake lines over to braided as opposed to the black ones that are currently there. I'll have before and after pics by winters end.

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JaLynn wants me to build a couple flower beds around the front porch. Sooner or later, I've got to flatten a spot in the front yard so I can build a swing set for the girls. I need to finish fencing off our yard, build a set of double doors for our barn, finish the lean-to off of the barn, and in the spring, get 4-5 pallets of sod on our front yard. I'm sure there's more, but that should keep me busy for a few months.


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Lots to do this winter. I need to regasket my 35HP evinrude. Work on getting my 1988 Yamaha Bravo running again for ice fishing season. Run 240v into the garage for heat before the snow flies and ground freezes. Undercoat my truck. The list goes on and on. I just finished building a 200ft 6ft vertical plank fence though. That was my summer accomplishment. Maybe I'll get a chance to go search up a moose now!

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* I need to finish the deck around the pool.

* Install a gate opener ive had for over 2-years.

* Cover the back patio so my wife can hear the pitter patter of rain drops at night.

* Run some electric and do extensive work in the barn.

* Pour Concrete Rails on my bridge.

* Haul in gravel and do some rework on my driveway.

* Finish framing and finishing my wifes corner Jacuzzi tub.

and about a million other things. :D

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Hopefully adding my goodies to my bow. More than likely property shopping, though, if things keep going in the direction they are going now. Looks like we're going to get forced to move soon. :( I hate eminent domain threats. I'd be glad to be out of the flood zone though, but hate the purchasing new land and moving part. It's a tough thing to find for a good price around here.

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hopefully build something like this.


But I have to find one thats a little more beat down first. And get a little more $$ as well, but that won't be hard after football season is over.

If I don't do that, I'd like to do a few things with my truck, but I don't know if I ever will or not.

Grant KS, check out ebay to get deals on parts for your tri-moto. and you can go to or to get help, info, or parts for it also.

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