A Nice Velvet 4 Point


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This nice little buck belongs to my buddy Steve. He took the pic as he is camera shy.

He arrowed it just at dusk on Friday evening. The buck bolted at the shot and by the time Steve got down from his stand it was pretty dark.

After searching in the dark for an hour, he decided to return to the sight in the morning. He arrived there at first light only to find the blood trail had been washed away by a severe rain and hail storm early that morning. Again he returned home and called my friend Dan and myself for some help.

Long story short, he called us approxamately 9/10AM, we arrived at his farm by 11AM, drove to the sight in about half an hour and after an hour of searching by the three of us managed to almost trip over the buck roughly 100yards from his stand.

His broadhead arrow had gone completely through the heart(two perfect X shaped holes) and out the opposite side as he had found his arrow. This was a much relieved hunter as the three of us returned to his farm. I`m just a little sad he would not pose with his new trophy.



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