"Stick It" To The Anti-gun United Nations


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Sen. Vitter Moves To "Stick It" To The Anti-gun United Nations

-- GOA-supported amendment passes overwhelmingly in the Senate

Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert

8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151

Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408


Friday, September 7, 2007

Senator David Vitter (R-LA) pushed a pro-gun amendment through the

U.S. Senate last night on an 81-10 vote. GOA worked closely with

Vitter in getting the language just right, as Senate rules make it

difficult to attach certain amendments to spending bills.

The Vitter provision stipulates that no U.S. funds can be used by the

United Nations -- or organizations affiliated with the UN -- to

restrict or tax our gun rights. Hence, the amendment would give a

mildly pro-gun administration the excuse to stop sending US taxpayer

funds to the United Nations as soon as they adopt any policy to

restrict the Second Amendment rights of Americans. (The Vitter

amendment was added to HR 2764, the Department of State

appropriations bill.)

Interestingly, four of the Senators who opposed the pro-gun Vitter

amendment ALSO spoke in favor of the Veterans Disarmament Act during

a committee vote in July -- Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL), Dianne

Feinstein (D-CA), Ted Kennedy (D-MA) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

All four of these notoriously anti-gun Senators have now demonstrated

their support for INTERNATIONAL GUN CONTROL, even while they support

the Veterans Disarmament Bill here at home. The latter bill only has

a number in the House (HR 2640). This measure has been introduced by

the equally anti-gun Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), and will expand

the Brady Law to deny firearms to hundreds of thousands of

law-abiding Americans. See http://www.gunowners.org/netb.htm for

more information on the Veterans Disarmament Bill.

ACTION: Please send Sen. Vitter a brief thank you for all the work

he has done for gun owners nationwide. You will remember that last

year, he succeeded in getting language passed (and signed by the

President) to ban the confiscation of firearms during a declared


You can use the "Compose Your Own Letter" option at

http://capwiz.com/gunowners/mail/?id=699&type=CO&state=LA to send a

message such as the one below to Senator Vitter.

Or, his fax number is 202-228-5061.

----- Pre-written letter -----

Dear Senator Vitter:

Thank you so much for your efforts to defend the U.S. Constitution

and the Second Amendment in particular. I agree that the United

Nations is filled with tons of gun-grabbing tyrants, and your

amendment is a great first step towards doing something about it.

Please keep up the good work!



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