Bin Laden Video

Guest Dragonfly

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Guest Dragonfly

Anyone read the transcripts yet. There is no doubt this terrorist is still alive and well. He made no threats, but something always happens after he releases a video. What's your take? Do you think we will every find him, dead or alive?

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Welcome to the forums.

He made no threats, but something always happens after he releases a video. What's your take?

There have been too many tapes released and I for one do not think that the tapes have accounted for any more attacks. Far as whether we will find him or not, don't know if we ever will or not, but he will die eventually, hopefully we will be able to continue enough of a presence to keep those thugs on the run or fighting us on their turf instead of facing another attack on our own soil.

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Anyone read the transcripts yet. There is no doubt this terrorist is still alive and well. He made no threats, but something always happens after he releases a video. What's your take? Do you think we will every find him, dead or alive?

We will find him eventually, and then he will wind up the same way Saddam did. It would be great to catch him in one of them little ratholes and powerless just like Saddam was caught.

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