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Most definately a MYTH that you have to align your broadheads with the vanes ... ;)

Here's a great article on the 4 Steps To Perfect Broadhead Flight, that was published at It makes for a great read if anyone is interested...;);)

Here is a little excerpt from the article ...

"Note that I didn't mention anything here about aligning the broadhead's blade with the fletch. This is another campfire story that's been debunked by scientific testing. Those individuals who insist this makes a difference have likely experienced a poorly aligned insert. Rotating the insert to put the broadhead's blades in line with the fletch probably improved the broadhead's overall alignment.

Also, note that nowhere in this article did I mention switching to another type of broadhead if things weren't working out. Granted, some broadheads fly differently than others if the bow's tune is off, the FOC is wrong or the fletch is too small, but you should be able to get almost any head to fly tolerably well if you take all the variables into account."

The rest I'll let you guy's read for yourselfs..:cool:


And Lou, thanks to those mutts over on AT, I missed out on being able to test this Striker head for myself,, you got any connections at G5 ?? ... :D

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I just got mine and this is no joke, the first shot with it...and I bent a blade just shooting into my Block 4x4. I mean seriously, bent the blade with the first shot. Needless to say I questioned that but am going to try and get some replacements for it to see what happens then.

hmm, weird...I had a bad..ok, VERY bad shot the other day with one of mine...skipped off the side of my yellow jacket, and WHAM right into the wooden fence I have behind the targets (fence is behind my 30 yard target, I was shooting at the 20 yard target I have in front of that one) went in pretty much the length of the broad head, was out just enough for me to pull it back out. After a few wiggles and a little muscle, I pulled it out of the fence, and to my surprise, everything was still perfect, no bends in anything, just need a little sharpening, but it needed that before I did that. spun it and it was fine. :cool:

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Guest adrenaline_junky

Never really paid attention i was so impressed with the motecs i just kinda stuck to them. Of course any G5 head is absolutely awsome. Good Luck to ya and hope you can use them scalpel blades.

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