Deer 'Cain

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I picked up a 6 pound bag of Deer 'Cain Concentrate Mix last night and also a 3 pound bottle of Stump-Likker, also by Deer 'Cain. I just got back from putting out the Deer 'Cain Mix and on the bag it states that it makes deer habitually come back to the Deer 'Cain site and that it gets dug up quite a bit. I just wanted to know how the site turned out if anyone else in here has used it previously!!!

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This picture does it no justice but its about a 12 ft long trench in the ground, thats been there going on 4 years now....just looks weird because its a actually a pretty steep hill

You can see how they ate all the surrounding vegetation also, made about a 20 ft clearing all around, and absolutle highways leading to and from the site in all directions


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You should also know that once you establish a salt based lick, once it leeches into the surrounding soil, the vegetation will die. Most plants cannot tolerate high sodium soils. I have used the deer cain in conjunction with trace mineral salt and it does well. My most successful is just a trace mineral block on top of an old stump.

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