Installing A Bow String???


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Had some gift certificates for Cabela's last week. Really didn't know what to spend it on, LOL! :rolleyes: For the past few years I have been wanting to get one of them BowMaster Bow Press. I don't have the room or the money to spend on a big normal press! So here is my question.

When installing a new string on my bow. Do you guys add twist or just leave it the way it is? It already has twists on it and everything is served.


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Make sure the new string is the length the manufacturer had origanally. Your old string is probably stretched some. I usually don't twist them at all when installing, they come with some twists already. Put the new string on, do not install peep yet. Shoot about 30 shoots, then install peep and twist 1/2 twist if needed to get peep aligned. Really very simple.

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Check the specs of the bow before putting on your new string. See what the AtA and BH are in factory spec. When you add the new string, check the specs again. If they are in factory spec and shooting well, leave it be. If however they are not shooting the way you are used to, then twist/untwist to the spec your bow was with the old strings/cables.

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I haven't had a string yet that I add or take out twists when I first put it on. I put my string on. Get a couple hundred shots on it and then I get the timing set and your good to go for a while.

I have a single cam bow, must I still have timing checked? Also, the cables, can I get away with not changing them until the next time I am due for a new string? This is a new venture now! I would like to do my own. I dont have a new set of cables. The first set was slightly off in the serving where the arrow nocks. Mike made good on it, but if I really should have a new cable next year. Then Ill order one. Thanks in advance!


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I have a single cam bow, must I still have timing checked? Also, the cables, can I get away with not changing them until the next time I am due for a new string? This is a new venture now! I would like to do my own. I dont have a new set of cables. The first set was slightly off in the serving where the arrow nocks. Mike made good on it, but if I really should have a new cable next year. Then Ill order one. Thanks in advance!


Yes LNRA!! A single cam must still get proper rotation on the cam which involves timing.;)

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Most definately......If you have your timing set and in 400-500 shots it starts shooting a little bigger groups...........check it the timing is probably off. Cam timing can make a major difference in how the bow feels and shoots if it way off.

Wow, there more!!! LOL! :rolleyes::p Ok, whats the best way to check timing? :confused:

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Being unfamiliar with the Parker bows, it's hard for me to give EXACT instructions. I'm assuming that the Parker Single cams have a draw stop. The key to getting proper rotation on a single cam bow is to get the cam to rotate to that drawstop and not before or beyond it for the designated DL. If you find that the bow is under/over rotating for your particular DL, you are out of time and adjustments need to be made. A lot of mfg's have marks on their cams to show when a cam is in time at full rest. You may want to check your owners manual and see if the Parker cams have something such as that. I wish I could be more help but the Parker line is not something that is very popular in these parts and as such I have no experience with them..

Update- I just found out that they might not have any markings on the cam. The string should come off the cam in a straight line right where the lobe begins to round over. The cam should not bend the string at the lobe or have a gap between the string and cam at the lobe. Hopefully that makes sense to ya.;)

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Being unfamiliar with the Parker bows, it's hard for me to give EXACT instructions. I'm assuming that the Parker Single cams have a draw stop. The key to getting proper rotation on a single cam bow is to get the cam to rotate to that drawstop and not before or beyond it for the designated DL. If you find that the bow is under/over rotating for your particular DL, you are out of time and adjustments need to be made. A lot of mfg's have marks on their cams to show when a cam is in time at full rest. You may want to check your owners manual and see if the Parker cams have something such as that. I wish I could be more help but the Parker line is not something that is very popular in these parts and as such I have no experience with them..

Update- I just found out that they might not have any markings on the cam. The string should come off the cam in a straight line right where the lobe begins to round over. The cam should not bend the string at the lobe or have a gap between the string and cam at the lobe. Hopefully that makes sense to ya.;)

Ok, totally lost! LOL! I think Ill just let somebody else worry about this! ;) Ill just stick to what I have learned so far! :cool: But thanks anyways! :cool:

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